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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Trends and Developments of China

1. Chinese State Bank is the biggest bank in the world. It is hooked up with Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa to compete against the World Bank.

2. A top steel producer in front of Japan, USA and Europe.

3. A top producer of cement in front of Vietnam.

4. In 2045 though, China will face a growing demographic problem with support the elderly, a consequence of the China's one child policy in the 60's and 70's.

5. China holds 15% of the US debt which is heavily linked to Social Security.

6. China is a heavy producer of tin, coal, zinc and iron (1/3 of world mined).

7. China in the next from 2020-40 will become one the largest auto producers in the world.

8. China will spend 18% of it's GDP building up its military in the next 30 years .

9. China is building economic relationships with Sudan and Angola with the intention of setting up for big oil explorations ventures in those countries.

10. China has a middle class of 300m people and that continues to grow.

11. 50% of the clothes and 85% of the toys are now made in China.

12. Shanghai will become the new world financial center taking the spot from New York.

13. They will stay ahead of the currencies and price modifications through floating their currency, the Yuan.

14. They will over take the USA as the worlds most agricultural producing countries.

15. It boast a 775m workforce.

16. It is well diverse in technology and textile industries.

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