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Friday, October 21, 2016

Pensions and the Future, You Earned It!

A recent report from Moody’s estimated that total unfunded pension liabilities — or the amount pension plans owe vs. what they have — across U.S. state public pension plans is forecast to increase 40% to $1.75 trillion through fiscal year 2017.
That’s trillion with a “t”!
In fact, by some accounts, that figure could be closer to $4.0 trillion when considering ALL state and local government pension programs.
Truthfully, I almost fell out of my chair when I read those numbers.

This is what is making me go democratic. The Republicans and Libertarian parties want to cut social security of the elderly that have worked for it, and they talk of Agenda 21. The Green Party and the Democratic parties are the only ones that will protect your retirements and the democrats want to expand social security.

All these greedy non tax paying billionaires like Trump are exposed and so are the kind of voters that vote for him. 

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