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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Diabetes, Keytones, Yeast, Barley, Stress, Iodine, Stress Tabs, Vineger,Garlic, Cinimon, and Chromium

I have type 2 diabetes and I have been curious about alternatives to medications I have been taking and I combine both in my treatment.

I have been getting most of my information off of YouTube and Google, so if you want to study these theories any further, research them yourselves.

Key tones are a protein/fat that the liver makes from your fatty reserves when the confused diabetic body makes as an alternative to cells which will not unlock to let the sugar in to the cells to turn into glucose to create energy for the cell but key tone proteins do not have this problem, so this is to replace the insulin and this is your bodies defense system to diabetes. Even in type 1 diabetics.

There has been a lot of research into this, many athletes us this diet and cutting out the carbs. In fact, most scientist and professionals that have studied this, found out that the body really does not need the carbs that we intake, sort of like the Atkins diet with the fat.

Many people on the diet add coconut oil to increase they're key tones if they are to skinny and don't carry a lot of fat storage.

Got curious again and wanted to know what insulin is made by the big pharmas. Found out that a company in Denmark make half of the insulin we use in the world today. The main ingredients, yeast. Doctors will tell you not to drink that beer and stay away from that bread because of the carbs and yeast. Diabetes $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$............

Barley has been shown in studies to reduce inflammation which is a big part of diabetic woes. Beer!
Find a beer made with barley or drink barley tea which a lot of the Koreans do around the world. Just boil and drink, the barley can be reboiled again, I don't think you want to eat it.

In some books I have read and even told by some doctors I have seen say that the old motto on stress, fight or flight, in which I have choice, since I am retired, can do, is to flight. And that I do, toxic people, situations etc, pisses a lot of people off without confronting them but I guess my health comes first.

Iodine is the bodies cleansing source in a lot of ways and is essential in thyroid function, especially in the hypothyroid category and fat burning category. I would go as far to say that the thyroid is a precursor to diabetes type 2 because of the fat storage of the body.

You can take the medication for the hypothyroid, eat a lot of fish, use iodized salt or buy the supplements that target thyroid function in which they sell in most nutritional stores.

A lot of people swear by vinegar, especially the white vinegar to cleans the bodies of toxins.

Garlic is an alternative to antibiotics, so if you can't afford the antibiotic, garlic.

Cinnamon is a substance that secretes glucose better and stimulates the pancreas and the same with chromium. Chromium you can get from certain foods and by in supplements in your local nutritional store.

Remember to stay on your medications as directed by your doctor, but alternatives are always an option. I combine both and all that I have mentioned above. Diabetics is a constant tug of war, and has to be maintained one day at a time.

Again, follow up with what I have found out, unless you want take this ver beatum. Comments are welcome.

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