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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dianetics and Difference

1. Mind-Perceives, computes and resolves.
2. Aristotle-Life is a pendulum to infinity.
3. Prenatal-5 generations back and 5 ahead.
4. Logic-Data, calculation, predictability, probability, systematic efficiency, nor absolute,
5. Sanity-Ability to tell the difference.
6. Time-Change environment
7. Relative importance-I can believe or I can't believe it.
8. Computing data-Evaluation of data, some parts used in diabetics, non programming, more to determine untrue, filtering data, cluttered confusion.
9. Chronic Doubter-Held down, doubt is Divine, inspects but still skeptic. use repeater techniques, do not argue with their ignorance, Very abortationed in detail, retroactive.
10. Must Believe-Programmable, major aborations, usually, useless from father, big overtures, from others.
11. Clear-Classifies after evaluating.
12. Normal-Belief or fail, slow to opinionated.
13. Somatic-Physical pain, emotional, destination, too many issues to pain.
14. Pain-Is genuine, phycotomic, physical, sympathy for pain.
15. Ally vs intaginess-Reactive mind takes care of the enemies, honor villain, ally and axis.
16. Necessity level- Rises all other impulses, necessity boast, guts, pragmatic illness, do for your child, patch him up and keep quiet.
17. Re stimulation-Association re stimulation
18. The token-Any object or mannerism to find a ally, a shift into different wellness according who he/she deals with.
19. Marriage-Meeting people, friends, wives, and dis guarding because of match has not been made.
20. Clear-Self determining ingram to suppress a human, set them free.
21. If cases stop progress-a)notarizing on track or held back. b)pain, shut off emotions, sickness c) extra generation of the mind. d) I is the emotional ingram has been discharged e) the past. f) the listening has been broken g) emotional present h) the auditors miss.
22. I refuse to get well-Attached ingrams and not the presser or the person. Backing up and going back to the ingram, much to the base in secret relationships in which they become afraid.
23. Drugs-Hypnotic, opium, sedative, diabetics wakes people up, hypnosis shut down, anesthesia, morphine, nitro oxide (severe ingrams, orthodox institutional antistesia).
24. Coffee-Alert analysis ability.
Benzedrine-Burns Q,
25, Vitamin B1-Promotes Q, no nightmares.
26. Alcohol-Depressant, toxin, ingrams, injures brain power, hypnotic forgetfulness in all.
27. Auto controls-The auditor, being a listener, help compute, mathematics.
28. Organic Mental Alterations-Tantrums, instability to think, reduction of optimum. a)variations in gene patterns. b) alternation of the nervous system. c) database distortion notorious. d) physical disorders. e) disorderly structure f) surgery. g) doctors h) surgical i) shot therapy.
29. Organic disarragement-Family atterations, abortions, handicaps, elderly, shut off, ignorance remarks.
30. Diabetics first aid-Removing the ingram, revery, mental tone as taken to injury, preventative measures in healing measures, talking it out, not understanding, staring time as mutes.
31. Advice to the auditor-Physical pain, emotional pain, unconscious, delay, irrational thought, memory block, re stimulation.
32. Syphilis-Brain deterioration.
33. Brain shock treatments-Stock disarrangement of ingram bank, chemical and poison incarnations damage. Implementation of statement.
34. Re stimulation-Therapy, self protection, practiced through the clear, enter a third into a chain.
35. Re balance-All clearing will re balance.
36. Diane tic treatment-2 hour session, 4th da say therapy is 3 days. Their are no fast high flying recoveries.
37. Data from the realative-Wants material from family members, these are inhibitors to the pre-clear, not to draw from family data. The object is to go well
38. Stopping therapy-Women's scorn, stand clear of the ab orations, basic surge of self to conquer the ingrams. violent attacks to therapy. Resentment of apathy and shift decline, personal attachment to the auditor. The auditor demands if they don't, dammed if they do. Begging the auditor for advice. Self determined person.
39. Auditor evaluation-Do not criticize. You are imaging things, communication, why are you looking for anything, what is the plot, force reality.
40. Diabetic dumps-Don't retaliate, throw them into apathy. Keep data for your own guidance. Do not make promises, Do not interfere with private life, it is up to them.
41. Diabetic rest in the future-Tour of the human mind, Hinduism, Greek, Paganism, Darwin, Spencer, wars are chaos released into society, hold your place, higher universalism.
42. Judicatory diabetics-Judi cation in society and it's codes. Civil equities, solve problems with mathematics and statistics. You do not have to surrender to your ingrams. You must live for reason and logic. Apathy reaches to death.
43. Diane tics and war-Prejudice, economics, well being, survival diagnostics, crime, hypnosis days, greed oppression, interrogation through peaceful means, Gods and ingrams, diversion, no justification for war, rationalism will guide humans, fight those who oppress, find the way through nature and herb and those plants not yet explored, detach from nationalism the enemies of humans. Define which should be.
44. Future therapies-Science of the mind, tools, techniques, basic principals, building bridges, know what is before proceeding.

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