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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Afghanistan and Anaysis, Opium, Mineral Reserve, the Taliban and Changing Afghanistan in the Next Generations

Afghanistan is a war torn country and needs the peace to rebuild, so far this is a slow process.

The Taliban is one of the main problems and is a group that should be eradicated as soon as possible. Their lucrative protection of the farmers and the opium/heroin trade is what fuels their fire in buying weapons, carrying out their war with the Afghan government is a real problem. Remember, we in the USA fuel this fire, by buying heroin or being addicted to this substance that kills so many in the US.
Yes and this is why should be involved in Afghanistan. The Afghan opium/heroin market is 11% of the Afghan economy.

So far, the USA has spent in military and rebuilding the country, 1 trillion dollars over the last 10 years. So far, it has been a stagnant investment. Too much American blood and cash has been wasted but we should not give up the task of cashing in on Afghanistan, in which you will read in the following paragraphs.

Afghanistan is abundant in natural resources. Coal, copper, iron, lithium, uranium, chromite, gold, zinc, talc, sulfur, lead, marble, natural gas, oil, reserves are estimated to be as up to 3 trillion dollars in value.

35 million people inhabit this land, with 3 million, taking up residency in Pakistan because of the on going conflicts with the Taliban with northern Pakistani tribe support harboring most of these being Taliban supporters.

It is a country that is 99% Muslim and here in point are mostly young and hungry for a better life.
This could be accomplished through opening up Afghanistan to the taste of globalization, free trade, free thought, free spirit and free choice. Women in this country need more education and more freedoms in their own live to expand and be productive.

The per capita of Afghanistan is 1,900 dollars, which means a globalized person could live cheaply,
This is why we need to stay engaged in changing Afghanistan and changing the way the civilization puts oppressive non freedoms on their people, especially their women.

Major crops and already, and already mentioned, opium are as follows. pomegranates, grapes, apricots, melons, nuts. Many of which can be traded in a global free trade environment pumping more money into the Afghan economy.

The lithium reserves that Afghanistan has, could make it a very wealthy country, again, Islamic and Taliban fanaticism. Any religious fanaticism is bad. It has enough lithium reserve to become the number one producer of the mineral. Lithium is used in a lot of hybrid autos, electric cars, computers and cell phones. This would drastically reduce the price to consumer in manufacture of these products. Even a large manufacturing base for lithium battery productions. Multinational companies should take heed to this.

In time, once the traditional roots of Islam and the Taliban are rooted out of the country and the young take the rains of power, Afghanistan will overcome living in poverty.

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