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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

How to Get to a Dow 100,000

It is predicted if we could change to a global market driven society instead of a regulated, war mongering, conflicting, religious fanatical driven global society, then this may be achievable.

By 2020, Dow 100,000 but we have wasted time when I read this. So, less go 2030.

Freedom must be spread around the world by any means possible to allow all those to break the bonds that hold them back by enjoying the most of human potential without persecution.

Ride the bull and take chances with calculated risk.

Your spirituality should be free to think, practiced what you think as long as you are not harming anyone and enjoy your personal liberties.

Reform the tax code, go to a users tax and determine your own income tax and then business and government has to work together.

World free trade, free trade groups or regions.

Individualism, interpersonal thought

Give to our youth, free education, individual independent ways of accomplishing things. With all the Internet, television programming, music artist, books, organization, public school and friends, how can you control them, Take a stand but you are wasting your time. The days of the farm are gone.

Let them go to empty the nest and explore on their own. Its the way they learn.

People make business succeed.

Optimism, focus on the future, control of your journey or destiny and your own health

Life over living, people first, animals second, justice, free art and expression, be global and moderate.

Look at pioneering trends to push the economy forward and let the consumer control the fate of the market or its empowerment.

Grow as you live, never ending, ever enriching, striving for perfection, ever reaching, changing to always renew.

Everyone needs everyone

You are the vital part of a greater whole

Avoid limitations, prejudices, rudity. That should be part of the family or friend structure.

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