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Saturday, October 22, 2016

How to Make Globalization Work, Positives and Negatives

1. Global adaptation to globalization (Islam, Christians, nationalist, unions). Islam has yet to brace globalization because of the freedoms it comes with it. This is why there is extremism that does not want to grasp that they are losing control and are fighting a losing battle in the process. The Christian right are wrestling with the ideas of outside influences that are effecting the young through the Internet, cable TV and the influences of social networks, so they try to block it with no prevail.
The Nationalist, are wanting to keep labor and manufacturing within it's borders by using high tariff taxes, such as Donald Trump wants to establish but this would only bring high prices for products and inflation in the global market place. Unions go right along with the nationalist in which they want to keep high wages within a country but with the same results as the nationalist.

2. There must be deregulation in the banking system, where to a person can invest, buy stocks, mutual funds, insurance (any kind) etc. This would free up money faster and the ordinary consumer could be able to circulate their money faster and it would be more convenient.

3. The Internet provides the information in real time on making good decisions in investing, purchases, flow of commerce and product deliveries.

4. The BRIC nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China are creating their own global bank and competing against the World Bank and IMF in the process. This will effect a lot in the future on how global markets do business in the time frame of 2020 and beyond.

5. A brief history will explain when globalization began and the conflicts to fight globalization.

1870-1914-There was accelerating global growth during this time until the monarchs got involved and the global market was not that diverse, so with diversity of the market and in getting rid of the central controls over it came WW1. 1914-18.

1915-1929-Trade protectionism ran ramped during these years, unions were born and most all products were centralized. This is when you had the monopolies and oligopolies.

1929-1933- And so, with this, we get the Great Depression and restructuring of the economy, sort of like the crisis of 2008 recession, a stimulated answer and governmental restructuring of the financial institutions.

1934-1945-Nationalism in Europe gave birth to the NAZI's and Imperialist in Japan and the reason it got real far, was because of the US isolationism to the war, which finally backed it into a corner to where we had to fight another world war.

1946-1989-The Cold War was about socialism and communism, and the further fight over globalized central controls vs free markets and free trade.

1990-The wall comes down, and globalization met the challenge.

2007-2008-Sub prime crisis which had a rippling effect on constructions, car manufacturing, credit loans and transportation. Oil could have been the culprit, because at this time it was high priced.

2009-present-Now we are fighting traditionalist values of Islam and oil is their revenue base. Although oil prices have come down greatly compared to before 2009, fracking, further oil exploration has taken course and will keep these prices down in the future. So no fuel for the Islamic Jihad.

Through free trade and globalization without over regulation of the stock markets and market will bring down poverty in the world. But there will be conflicts, wars, Islamic extremism and nationalism that will try to bring this down, but will not prevail.

Since the last 25 years, there has been 2 billion people lifted out of poverty because of globalization and the free markets

We must have free Internet, free thought, free spirit, free choice, free markets, multicultural exchange, reduction in the debts, foreign investment and rid our addiction and dependence on oil which takes up a lot of resource with conflicts in the middle east and OPEC regions of the world.

World monetary policy must be driven by market growth and not currency manipulation, only raising interest rates according to inflation and not the since of a hidden tax. For this will cause scarcity and unemployment problems in the economy.

Free markets without heavy regulation and trade barriers, supports the world consumers for they should control the direction of the market itself.

I understand global environmental changes and reduction of global carbon emissions, but this should be regulated by the consumer choice to pay a fair price for energy consumption, so all energy sources should be regulated through consumer choice by pricing and competivity with no subsidies.

There is a problem that water presents with a global population and food production in the world. We should not produce the production of electrical energy of hydo plants in the world. Water is becoming now a vital resource in China, India, Africa and the Middle East. We need to promote more use of more efficient irrigation processes. Water pipelines from the north to the south, we do this with oil, we can do it with water. And last but not least, desalination plants that filter clean water from sea waters.

All in all, this makes for a global economy that will work in everyone's favor.

Comments welcome.

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