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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Crisis Economics

Crisis Economics, Free Flow of Commerce

1. Oil, housing, transportation, and communications must be addressed to where the consumer benefits and not the market profits. Supply is better than demand with free trade and choices for the consumer.
2. Credit crisis. If the government gets on us about public debt, why don't they set the example?
3. Insurance must be covered like banks so they do not fail, insured insurance covered by the government.
4. Tech bubbles are dangerous. To much hype and price testing.
5. Living beyond needs. Domestic spending goes further than foreign policy spending. Diplomacy spends less than war, war as the last resort
6. Markets are regulated by supply and demand and consumer, leave it alone, no subsidies
7. Crisis will come and go, such to with economic bubbles.
8. Gold is hyped too much, it's like oil, but both will see their future dwindle with time.
9. Inflation is when we try to control the flow of a product or services, over-regulation, union,s nationalistic greed for the nation-state, over-taxed corporations and people, embargoes, sanctions, wars, Deflation is great for the consumer, creates sales, etc. Interest rates should react upon inflation and deflation after the fact.
10. BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) vs WTO, USA, and the EU. Can't we all just get along? Let the market free flow and give the global consumer what they want. We do not need a war, nationalisms, isolationism, extremism, fanaticism, price gauging, subsidies a free-trading world, consumer-driven without government interference to protect industries and services, 
11, Bring back subprime mortgages. Why? Because when there are more houses on the market than homeless people, Houston! We have a problem. We can bail out a bank, but we can't bail out the common citizen.
12. Moral hazards. What are morals? Societal regulation for a  majority who are self-righteous. Let society change through freedom and social flow and the economics of it will set the morals.
13. Global markets should be free flow, unregulated, non manipulated.
14, Taxes should be reduced, government spending should be not spent on wasteful wars, but on people, social security, maintaining a person from falling through the cracks to where they are homeless, food for those who cannot eat. Societal preventative maintenance.
15. The G20 should work together with the UN to establish the stability of the world and not just the nation-state.
16. I think the Chinese have the right idea of mixing capitalism with socialism.numbers in GDP do not lie!

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