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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Trend Ideas: Governmental and Institutional Failures, Global Warming and Food, Fracking, Weather Extremes, Internet Freedoms

Todays governmental and institutional failures for one. Churches, colleges, government controls, control of information has competition and that is the internet. People can investigate church philosophies of churches and certain beliefs and not be programmed one way. Colleges, are they really needed since all the information you need is at your finger tips. Government trying to control information flow to the public is becoming most difficult because of the internet, today's modern Babel.

Global Warming and Food: On one way it is good, because it increasing agricultural production around the world with food and livestock. What normally holds up food is the distribution of it. Wars, restrictions of food imports and exports, waste of food etc.

Fracking: Fracking is causing undo earthquakes, so they claim. But here is the other side of the coin, and that is, wars in the middle east, high gas prices, our worldwide addiction to oil, in fact, if we can now go deeper for oil, there is an unlimited supply.    

Weather Extremes: When weather is extreme, it is usually caused by the earth's immune system trying to clean itself up, sort of like the bodies way of acting as an allergy, immune over reaction. So global weather extremes are caused by heavy populations and pollution. So forth the argument for cleaner forms of energy and recycling.

Internet: When you are on the internet, do not hold back to what you want to say, because it only promotes freedom of speech and democracy and hampers control freaks, fanatics, extremist, manipulators and governmental programming over the public.

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