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Monday, October 24, 2016

Dianetics, Goals of Human Kind II

Metaphysics and Mysticism
There is a finite universe, discovered and measured
Time, space, energy and life
Finite survival
Environment and mutation
Food, protection, appropriations, offense and defense
Needs and wants
Death toward immortality and survival
Repelling death
Immortality attraction
Pleasure are rewards and gratification
Agreeable emotions
Pain is mental suffering as a penalty
Physical and mental curves
Survival always having overtures
Pleasure to harmony
Roman paganism
According to the majority
Dark ages is stigmatization of pleasure
Insanity and irrationality are wild solutions
Survival suppression
Cultures are sanctioned in echelon and family
Life's basics for life's existence
All life is harmony with it's surroundings
Overload suppression is an extreme in drought and flooding the mind
Soil, oxygen, water, decay and rejuvenation
Trees and plants are spurge's for the soil
Necessity driven
Self determination
Personality continues with self, determination and survival
Rational intelligence
Avoid pain
What humans do to enjoy
Survival is pleasure

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