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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Globalism, Nationalism, Trump, Clinton, Cruz, Sanders, Johnson, Stein, Christians, Islam, the Internet, Open Borders, Open Society

Globalism is here to stay and has become a part of deflation, low interest rates, consumers ability to by what they want, from where they want, it transcends borders economically. It brings together multiculturalism, and is part of the Internet and social media.

Nationalism is a fear of outside influence, inflation incentives, unions, NAZI, KKK. It transcends that people want things to stay the same without change, traditionalist that shop at Walmart and Target.
This is where 80% of the Republican party has gone with Donald Trump.

We have seen a fragmentation of the American political system in the last year. There is Trump who plays on bringing the 80's back but in a nationalistic since.

Clinton, a globalist, Jewish backing, Wall Street backing hedge fund billionaires that in reality are a collective head of other investors (mutual funds). She is coming into the middle to pacify the movements within the Democratic party. But a true internationalist that wants to change the world for women and there is nothing wrong with it because, God know, Islam needs this reform. She wants to enhance social security, welfare and create universal coverage for the general populous.

Cruz is what I call a Christian globalist, such as the Bush's, in the since, they want the whole world to be Christians and by bringing down the Muslim nations through conversion to Christianity would be the endeavor. He does mention the globalist term "rule of law". He should have ran on an independent ticket for the evangelistic terms. The Christian Republic Ticket.

Sanders, should have ran as a socialist in terms of his beliefs. He is a Democratic Unionist but falls into the category of a socialist. Should have ran as one. Clinton will adopt a great deal of his measures on the Democratic platform.

Johnson, out of all these people is the true globalist in the since he is for free trade, individual liberties, that would move the world markets by consumers supply and demands, which is a lot better than regulating it through the Central Bank's interest rate hikes and tariff that really are a tax on the American people. He is for the sales tax in that same since where a users tax would make government and business would have to work together to collect revenue. There would be no income tax and the IRS would be abolished. He is for raising social security to 75, which I am against. All in all, this candidate is running on a separate thicket, the Libertarian ticket. He also wants to get us out of being the world police, when it comes to foreign policy and engage them diplomatically.

Jill Stein is of the Green party. She wants to shut down all military bases around the world. Go green with the energy, use naturalistic medicines and explore the medical field with holistic approaches. She would enhance social security and give seniors in the medicare arena choices to natural and holistic medical care and not just western medical style of care. She is an environmentalist.

Christians are afraid of immigration now, because of freedom of religion and the competition of other religions interfering with the monopoly that they have had in this country, the USA. Also wanting to regulate the Internet as they see as a tower of Babel in a free society. This is why Islam and Christian national Republicans are against globalization, free thought, free spirit, free choice and free trade.

Islam has got most of it's energy from the oil market, which is changing drastically around the world, thanks in part to fracking. The push of Islam around the world is not as great. Islam is afraid of the effect of globalism and only use the freedom of the Internet to further there cause in persuasion and recruitment. There needs to be another Arab Spring, that wanted to create a more modern Muslim society of the young to express their form of free Islam and more rights for their women.

The social media and the ability to get answers over the Internet is a great thing and to live in these times is even greater. It is competition to religions, institutions, education, set doctrine in society. It is the tower of Babel, free speech mechanism which gives people more independent thought and speech to get a message about the whole world, This is globalization.

We must open our borders, have open societies to where all human being are protected from and respected in freedom of their religion, the way they live, their personnel liberties respected etc.

Again, free thought, free spirit, free choice, multiculturalism, open immigration, free trade and exchange. Not a one world order, but a one world market and exchange which would break down barriers to culture, religions, diplomacy and decrease the means of war  and conflict.

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