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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Globalization, Trump's Demise, Russia, China, the Philippines and Free Trade, Obama, The Arab Spring

The anti-globalist now can see the cat is out of the bag. It is for sure that Hillary will win this election. TPP will go through as planned and free trade will be restored and Hillary's hands will not be tied by Obama like is was when she was Secretary of State.

Trump, Putin and the Duarte are all nationalist. Russia did have it's hand in American politics.

Now less see what happens after the election, riots in the streets, cop killings, national guard troops, whatever, this will happen no matter what, this is change.

I hope it does not turn into WW3, it would show how stupid the world has really gotten.

The best way to bring down Putin's Russia is let it out spend itself and commit financial harry carry.
1. They really do not have a robust population to grow on. 2. The Russian Nationalist party is what Putin belongs too and thank that it won't be in the US.

China does not want war, they just want to position themselves in the world and be noticed. They are globalized and not nationalist. They might even tame Russia and North Korea.

Turkey and the Philippines have now nationalist or dictators for presidents and are anti US, so let them go broke.

The Arab Spring was a good thing for the middle east and north Africa, because it stirred the people up to change and demand more freedom in they're governments. It will begin again and won't be messed up by Obama but jump started again with Clinton. With change for freedoms, comes conflict.

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