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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Clash of Civilizations and Their Populations 2050 Projections

In the book, Clash of Civilizations and the Making of the New World Order, there are 9 civilizations that are talked about. Listed below is a projection of these populations.

Islam                     1911m (Muslim, Sunni, Shiite)        
Sinic                      1693m (Confucius, Communist, Atheist)
Hindu                    1683m (Hindu)
African                  1620m (African Christian)
Western                   990m (Protestant, Catholic)
Latin                        712m (Roman Catholic)
Orthodox                 307m (Orthodox , Russian, Baltic)
Buddhist                  144m (Buddhist)
Japanese                    34m (Japanese)

Note: This is not the total population that believe in these societies but live in a majority of these cultural customized beliefs. Globalization is not one order that wants to take over the world, globalization is a mixing of cultures or  a cooperation between countries economically, socially and in foreign policy try to coexist together. Each one of these civilizations want their own domination of the world through conversion, take overs and economic dominance to promote their agendas, so use the word globalization with caution.

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