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Friday, October 21, 2016

Haitians, Hurricane Mathew and Current US Immigration Policy

The immediate aftermath of a hurricane is not the time to put extra demands on a nation that is already struggling to recover, but that’s just what current Department of Homeland Security (DHS) immigration policy is doing to Haiti.

Last month, DHS shifted their policy toward survivors of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, revoking the special status which allowed them to enter the United States and live here. This change in the administration’s policy is deeply flawed, based on the misguided notion that conditions were improving on the ground in Haiti. The administration has further failed to offer Temporary Protected Status to Haitians affected by Hurricane Matthew, which would allow those already in the United States to stay and remain safe as their country recovers from the storm.

Join UUSC and tell DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson that we must restore U.S. policy that allows Haitians to enter the United States, assures those already in the country that they can stay, and keeps families together as they navigate our immigration system.

It takes less than a minute to send a letter. DHS Secretary Johnson should treat Haitians in the United States and on the border with the respect and dignity they deserve. We must act now to make sure DHS is listening to the voices of moral courage and social justice.

Thank you for your partnership and dedication to this work!

Dear Gary,

With each passing day we are learning more about the devastation Hurricane Matthew caused in southwestern Haiti. UUSC partners–locally led grassroots organizations at the front lines of this disaster—are assessing the storm’s impact and working to address the needs of those most marginalized.

But what if I told you there is an additional humanitarian crisis affecting thousands of Haitians, not in Haiti but here in the United States? A new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy puts many Haitians at risk of deportation. Please act now to avert a U.S.-made disaster on the heels of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Matthew.

On September 22, apparently in response to anti-immigrant political pressure, DHS revoked a policy that allowed survivors of the 2010 Haitian earthquake to enter and stay in the United States. Yesterday, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson affirmed that decision, stating, “the policy has not changed in light of Hurricane Matthew.” Although deportation flights have been temporarily halted, DHS officials are still arranging to deport Haitians from the United States. Haiti has said it does not have the capacity to receive them, even before the hurricane. Additionally, DHS policy puts families entering the United States at risk of being separated.

With the loss in lives and property still being measured, this is no time to start deporting people back to Haiti. Join UUSC in telling DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson:
  • Restore U.S. humanitarian policy that allows Haitians seeking refuge to enter the country.
  • Allow all Haitians already in the United States to stay and remain safe as the country recovers.
  • Keep families together in all cases.
The immediate aftermath of a hurricane is not the time to put extra demands on a nation is already struggling to recover. We must stand with Haitian migrants to make sure they can reach safety and stay together with their families

Many of you have already joined UUSC to support people in Haiti as they lead recovery efforts on their own terms. In addition to working to remedy the effects of a broken immigration policy, we also plan to advocate for more accountable and effective use of relief funds for Haiti in an effort to avoid the failures of international aid that occurred after the 2010 earthquake. I hope you’ll join that call to action as well.

Let’s treat Haitians in the United States and on the border with the respect and dignity they deserve. Tell Secretary Johnson: We must restore U.S. policy that allows Haitians to enter the United States, allow those already in the country to stay, and keep families together.

Thanks for all you do for justice,

Hannah Hafter
Senior Program Leader for Activism
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
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