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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Trumps Wall, Illegal Aliens, Drug and Human Smuggling, High Cost in the Market, More Taxes, Cost of Fighting Terrorism and the Drug War

Open borders would not mean any Tom, Dick or Harry coming over the border, it just means the restrictions of those coming over to do business, visit relatives, as tourist would be made easier. Illegal drugs or contraband would be confiscated on the spot and letting those in. Regulate and legalize drugs, deregulate prostitution, no pimping, relax the requirements to get a visa, relax migration for agriculture work, but in the same sense it must be fair and the same to the US citizens who want to visit other countries match the laxed requirements all this done of course bilaterally.

First, the wall will not work. Texas already started building a border fence about ten years ago. It divided people from their own property across the border, it deprived people of their land through the use of eminent domain, and in the end the problem of drug and human smuggling was not solved.

Second, the wall will be expensive. The wall is estimated to cost between 12 and 15 billion dollars. You can bet it will be more than that. President Trump has claimed that if the Mexican government doesn’t pay for it, he will impose a 20 percent duty on products imported from Mexico. Who will pay this tax? Ultimately, the American consumer, as the additional costs will be passed on. This will of course hurt the poorest Americans the most. Because most shop at Target, Dollar Tree and Walmart. It would increase inflation and decrease the dollars worth which has already dropped 5 pesos since Trump took office.

Building the wall would only increase the profit in illegal human trafficking, increase the profits in the illegal drug trade and promote more gang activity in the country. It would be like prohibition in the 20's and the 30's promoted by the women and churches to fill their coffers and control society. The evilangelist.(spelling intentional)

Third, building a wall ignores the real causes of illegal border crossings into the United States. Though President Trump is right to prioritize the problem of border security, he misses the point on how it can be done effectively and at an actual financial benefit to the country rather than a huge economic drain. Border and drug trafficking would go to other methods by sea and air, there is always a way around it.

The solution to really addressing the problem of illegal immigration, drug smuggling, and the threat of cross-border terrorism is clear: remove the welfare magnet that attracts so many to cross the border illegally, stop the 25 year US war in the Middle East, and end the drug war that incentives smugglers to cross the border.

Likewise, the 40 year war on drugs has produced no benefit to the American people at a great cost. It is estimated that since President Nixon declared a war on drugs, the US has spent more than a trillion dollars to fight what is a losing battle. That is because just as with the welfare magnet, there is an enormous incentive to smuggle drugs into the United States. The money we have already spent on the drug war and the war on terrorism, could have been used in educations, taking care of the poor, the elderly, and up keep of the social security system.

We already know the effect that ending the war on drugs has on illegal smuggling: as more and more US states decriminalize marijuana for medical and recreational uses, marijuana smuggling from Mexico to the US has dropped by 50 percent from 2010.

Finally, the threat of terrorists crossing into the United States from Mexico must be taken seriously, however once again we must soberly consider why they may seek to do us harm. We have been dropping bombs on the Middle East since at least 1990. Last year President Obama dropped more than 26,000 bombs, someone is making money. Thousands of civilians have been killed in US drone attack and only produces more terrorist in a vendetta mode. The grand US plan to “remake” the Middle East has produced only misery, bloodshed, and terrorism and why? Over Oil and gas and now opium and lithium. Ending this senseless intervention will go a long way toward removing the incentive to attack the United States.

I believe it is important for the United States to have secure borders, but unfortunately President Trump’s plan to build a wall will end up costing a fortune while ignoring the real problem of why people cross the borders illegally. They will keep coming as long as those incentives remain.

“Ron Paul Trump’s Wall Won’t Fix Illegal Immigration, Remove the welfare...

Liars - No.1 Against The Rush (Official Video)

Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 31, 2017

WAKE UP! All Wars are for Profit

Jesus, Materialism, Christians, The Meek and the Humble

Jesus never dressed up to preach
Jesus had a beard and long hair
Jesus never turned anyone away
Jesus did not care of your material status
Jesus said the meek and humble should inherit the earth
Jesus does not care how you look if you can't help it
It would amaze me to what is spent on a church that could be spent to save the homeless (people)
You don't need a big car. fancy clothes when you can spend it on better causes
Be glad you are alive, enjoy it now, because you can't take it with you
Why be buried with pockets
You know if you do exist, and I look at those who go to church
Just leave me, because I would never qualify
If you as a Christian are perfect in which you are not
Don't look down upon the poor, the humble and meek
See you are someone in this life in living
But you are no one when you die
You have no right to talk down to anyone in whatever conditions
All have potential, given the right jump start in life
And if anything it should come from you
You should be judged by your deeds, heart and character
Not whats in your bank account

Houston Mosques Opening Up as 24-hour Shelters for Harvey Victims

Joel Osteen Receives Major Backlash After Not Opening Lakewood Church To...

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Sammy Kershaw - Third Rate Romance

The Never Ending Cycle, Incarceration, Law Inc, Religion Inc, Big Pharma, Corporations, The Military Complex, Drugs Wars, World as One

And those prisons are filled by drug users, not the top true criminals of the state and/or nation. :( People go missing every day, but we must go after the single mother who lost her husband at Iraqi Freedom war and decided to numb her pain with just 5grams of pot, lock her up in prison and also punish the two kids that were left behind into abusive Foster Homes. >_> Messed up are these systems, but let us blame each other... let us blame men... let us blame women... let us blame whites... let us blame blacks... etc. Never do the actual people who benefit from these corrupt systems are to blame.

Ron Paul tells 100% Truth about Trump, False Flags, and military industr...

Top 10 Most Non Religious Cities in America

1. Portland, OR          
2. San Francisco, CA
3. Seattle, WA
4. Denver, CO
5. Pheonix, AZ
6. Tampa Bay, FL
7. St. Petersburg, FL
8. Boston, MA
9. Los Angeles, CA
10. Columbus, OH

Extended interview: Millennial Muslims on life in America

Joel Osteen, Mega Millionaire w/ Mega Church Locks Doors On Flood Victim...

Religious Hypocrite (Social Experiment)

The National Debt, Budget Allocation Priorities, You Might Be a Globalist

Every single day the United States creeps further into debt, and it?s taking your IRA/401(k) along with it. At the time of this writing the national debt was $19,968,421,168,592. Yes, you read that right. The U.S. national debt is over $19 TRILLION. It is because we feed the military complex trying to be the empire in the world affairs. Use the social security as a slush fund, that is separate from other funds within the tax budget. Because we don't take care of our own, restrict freedoms, imprison too many people, on and on.....
It?s so bad that if every U.S. citizen were to try to help and pay that off, every single one of us would owe $61,343. That even includes children.
On top of that add an economy so artificially inflated it?s in danger of collapsing under its own weight, record-setting volatility in overseas markets, a growing number of terrorist threats, and perhaps the biggest menace of all, China trying to take our spot as the world's leading currency. Terrorism is not just Islamic, it is hate groups, black and white nationalists, gangs, narco traffickers, drug dealers (that are unregulated), organized crime families and ethnic groups and pimps. China is important to us, because any disconnections with them would cause a interruption in the global commerce supply chain.  
Remember when you lost your retirement because of the real estate bubble we created, Well, Trump comes from that neck of the woods, you know "flip that house" con artist. False preachers preying on the disadvantaged, elderly and gullible. Fake TV wrestling, protesting globalization, when you own a Toyota pickup truck, shop at might be a globalist!

Top 9 Countries for a Women to Be Born In, Islam, Gangs, Religion, Wars, Pimps, Globalization

1. Afghanistan, Islamic, underage marriage, war, opium, many flee to Pakistan.

2. Saudi Arabia, Islamic, monarch, US supported, feeds our oil addiction but solar and wind power and electric cars will steal this countries thunder globally.

3. Sudan, again Islamic, civil war torn, great oil potential, corruption

4. Guatemala, gang infested and refer to their women as bitches, this is the only one Latin American country on this list, Catholic.

5. Yemen, war torn between Saudi Arabia and Iran, Sunni vs Shiite, Trump war mongering profiteering, again Islamic

6. Turkey, most likely went worst because of their new president, Turkey is going back to its Islamic roots, which is depressing, over hauling their education system and now do not want to be a part of the EU.

7. Somalia, war torn, again Islamic, would make a good geo area for air launches because of its horned coast.

8. Nepal, over populated and women are not treated well, it ranks above many in trafficking of women, landlocked, Buddhist.

9. Pakistan, again Islamic, a nuclear power, at odds with India over water, Taliban protected in harboring them is the price is right.

Note: Women should be cherished in this world. They repopulate it, nourish it, religions seem to suppress this. They are huge money makers and consumers if given freedom and opportunities in life and benefits to an economies is exceptional. Wars, pimps, gangs, fanatical religions like Islam are detrimental to the global female populations, change is on the way in the form of global Liberal initiatives. Free thought, free spirit, free markets.

Why is COLOMBIA Not The Greatest Latin American Power? - VisualPolitik EN

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

As Catastrophic Flooding Hits Houston, Fears Grow of Pollution from Oil ...

1,200 Die as “Devastating” Climate Change-Linked Floods Submerge Parts o...

Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 29, 2017

Acre, Israel

Tommy - I'm Free - Roger Daltrey (The Who)

Republicans Are Already In Danger Of Losing The House In 2018 Midterms -...

Lookin for a Foreign Girls Need a Husband? Contact Me, Looking for Pen Pals Also

Single, Retired from the army and social security. Now living in Waldorf, Maryland. I am 56 and separated. Married 2x once to a Korean and the other a woman from Laos. Want to retire in a foreign country and retire. Like to travel, internet, reading, keeping up with world news, investing, eating out, enjoying my retirement, experiencing and meeting people from different cultures, free thinker, free spirit. music, karaoke, economics and social trends in the world, globalist liberal, into nutrition and herbs, New Age thinker  . My music likes are rock, pop music,  country, bluegrass, smooth jazz, funk, disco, folk, soft rock, southern rock. Enjoy. Libra and born under the sign of the rat.  PH#1 240 970 3109., G+, twitter,,, tumblr, Frockman Philosophy on google search, on YouTube (frockmusic and video231). You are welcome to send comments to my email or contact me via phone, on whatsapp, snapchat, hangouts, instagram, or any other of my social feeds. Want to retire in another country.

10 Worst Countries To Be Born A Woman

UN report: Global refugee crisis has hit all-time high

Monday, August 28, 2017

Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 28, 2017

Flow: For Love of Water (Full Documentary)

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs met United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura in the Iranian capital on Monday and the two discussed recent developments in Syria.

Hossein Jaberi Ansari and de Mistura, during their talks examined Syria developments, including defeats suffered by the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group, implementation of peace agreement and establishment of truce in the war-torn country, IRNA reported.
Staffan de Mistura arrived in the Iranian capital on Sunday evening.
De Mistura's visit to Tehran is taking place on the eve of the sixth round of Astana talks on Syria to be held in the upcoming days in the capital of Kazakhstan.
Senior UN envoy is also to meet and hold talks with the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif.
Since March 2011, Syria has been suffering from unrest and terrorist acts.
Iran, Russia and Turkey are the initiators of the December 30, 2016 ceasefire in Syria.
The three countries have so far held five rounds of Astana talks.

The Empire Files: Abby Martin with Dr. Jill Stein - Symptoms of a Sick S...

There is Something Very Strange about This Man! (2017-2018)

Friday, August 25, 2017



"Answer the question!!!" Muslim goes mental after being asked question a...

Must Watch: 1400 yrs of Islamic History in a few Minutes. Shocking Eye-O...

US - Trump wants sharp increase in military spending, cuts in environmen...

Global Democracy, Globalization Changing Oppressive Regimes and Religions, Islam, Communism

He has written and edited numerous articles and books on democracy in developing countries and the problems of development and corruption, particularly in Africa and Asia. Dr. Diamond has also served as a consultant to the U.S. Agency for International Development and co-authored its recent report, Foreign Aid in the National Interest.

The most important journey in a global democratic free society is one self becoming more than he or she ever thought could without restriction from a religion, government or traditional control freak institutions. In saying this, religion should not be part of the governmental system, but the people in majority setting morals thought free and fair elections.

Global democracy cannot be forced upon a society, therefore it must be seeded into one through media, the Internet, social sites, exchange of ideas a free non restrictive access to information and entertainment.
But it first must be promoted within through resistance and in many societies this comes in the form of group protest by the young and college educated to include support from the elite steering the drive towards more freedom. Music, entertainment, free press and expression. Standing up to oppressive institutions and regimes in power. People power in mass numbers.

A bold vision in globalization and liberal democracy would be but in time could and should be influenced in the Middle East. It was taking fold in the Arab Spring in which the US backed down from as we did Russia after the Cold War. Now you have military dictatorships, extremist powers, terrorist groups and oppressive monarchs that carry and do not want to lose the Muslim traditions in keeping everything in check. Oil is the only commodity that keeps these powers to be in power. Therefore, electric cars, solar and clean renewable energies must be to the forefront to change this culture of programmed souls according to powers to be.

China is an oppressive communist power also that need to be bought into the free world, a free liberal globalized world of free markets, free thought, free media, free spirit, free consumerism, freedoms of expression in arts, music, in changing. This to has to be done inside out, The political power is in Beijing, but the economic power in which they feed off of is in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Down through history, Beijing is located where the Monarchical Manchurians ruled over China but in majority of Chine, down south is the Hon Chinese.Go figure. 

So not through military force, geopolitical threats to the Islamic and Communist world must be based on diplomacy of ideas. Free access to the Internet and social networks, which in time, China will serum but survives under a large military presence to hold power. 

Both Islam and the Communist rule of China to open the unlocked potential in their peoples for economic growth and bring forth a globalized liberal thriving economic power houses, Money and economics always prevails over rule, In time oil will not be that important of a commodity and communism will go broke through over spending in its military to hold onto rule, unless the money runs out from the south, such is Shanghai and Hong Kong financial gas the fuels Beijing. With this North Korea will change. Oh the economic potential to be unlocked the world economic stage. Time will tell

Will Democracy Work in the Middle East? - Larry Diamond

Corrupt preachers part 1, Paula White

Trump's spiritual adviser: More devout than you...

Meet The Con Artist Leading Trump's Inauguration Prayer

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Road to Full Globalization, Religion, Algorithms, Singularity, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, UN, EU, Rule of Law, Middle East Moderate Change

1. All people to be connected through the Internet and multiple social interface with each other as a free public service providing free flow of information, ideas, influence through the guidance of algorithms.
2. Multiple interconnections of a world economy through multinational corporations, transnational corporations through free trade, free markets, open borders and open societies.
3. The ultimate rise to world population algorithmic and universal singularity.
4. Tree of knowledge resistance to the tree of life (religions), the tree of knowledge being science, nanotechnology, biotechnology, algorithms, singularity, multiculturalism, open society, free thought and free unrestricted flow and storage of information.
5. Total interconnectivity infrastructure of transportation, power supply, Internet and social networking of businesses and world society as a whole.
6. Not a World Government but a World Congress in which a reformed United Nations modeled after the EU and the United States systems.
7. A world controlled according to consumerism popularity, free markets, freed commerce access, United Nations and neighboring coalitions.
8. Globalization is a living movement and power struggles to keep old traditions together, religious promotional resistance, but in the end it will prevail. It has a while for fine tuning.
9. A one world union, such as the EU and the US a coming together of world powers but with policy checks and balances put in place through an ever changing system of total connectivity.
10. Global rule of law enforced by military coalitions, information sharing of police enforcement (Interpol) worked out through global jurisdictions.
11. Middle East peace will come through the freedom of its peoples to freedoms of religion mixed with government to be separated from it, and the traditional beliefs dying off through unrestricted flow of information and influence of the world algorithms involved.

10 Unbelievable Future Technologies That Will Change The World In Your L...

Trump and the Dysfunctional American State

Who was Uriel da Costa? Jewish Biography as History Dr. Henry Abramson

Are We Heading Towards Another Financial Meltdown, Afghanistan War Forever, Confederacy and the Statue Issues

José de Acosta

World Food Production to Feed 10 Billion, Factors in Production of Crops and Farming, Greenhouses, Irrigation, Transportation, Market Flow of Food, Migration, Things That Hinder Food to the Market

The world's population is expected to rise to 10 billion by 2053. How will we feed the world? Science and technology will play a big role in this, through biotechnology, nanotechnology and modernization around the world in farming techniques and machinery to harvest and grow the crops. You can buy organic, which is fine, but the human world populations has relied on refrigeration, freezing, salt preservation and packaged and canning techniques in storing these foods Which why surviving a food shortage is paramount in food preservation and seed storage to replenish the food consumed. 

One factor in production of food is just one aspect of it. Transportation and  migrant workers policies play a big part in getting the food to the market place or growing it is senseless. Transportation infrastructure is a must in this. Liberal migration policies to make sure the labor exist to harvest the crops. Liberal free trade policies in importing other foods from other countries. 

Greenhouses can play a big part in growing crops and producing food in northern areas to produce year around growth potential keeping a constant outflow of food to the market place in which should be wide open for imports and exports. 

Irrigation and desalination of water to create crops and food production is important to. It is about time to harvest the power of the ocean resources. 

Domestication of new species of animals and fish farming are important to diversify and multiply food production too. If a species of animal is going extinct in the wild, it has always been bought backed and farmed and used as a resource in the world market. Some of these are the ostrich, buffalo, alligator, etc.

What hinders abundance is too much regulation, wars, conflicts, the world coming together as one to solve humanities problems. Protectionism, world imperialism, communism and socialism are major factors in these issues to boot. 

10 billion people for dinner | Nina Fedoroff | TEDxCERN

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Gordon Chang: War on Korean peninsula would be horrific

North Korean and Syrian Connection

: North Korea Shipments To Syria Chemical Arms Agency Intercepted: UN Report. UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Two North Korean shipments to a Syrian government agency responsible for the country's chemical weapons program were intercepted in the past six months, according to a confidential United Nations report on North Korea sanctions violations.

The report by a panel of independent U.N. experts, which was submitted to the U.N. Security Council earlier this month and seen by Reuters on Monday, gave no details on when or where the interdictions occurred or what the shipments contained.

"The panel is investigating reported prohibited chemical, ballistic missile and conventional arms cooperation between Syria and the DPRK (North Korea)," the experts wrote in the 37-page report.

"Two member states interdicted shipments destined for Syria. Another Member state informed the panel that it had reasons to believe that the goods were part of a KOMID contract with Syria," according to the report.
KOMID is the Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation. It was blacklisted by the Security Council in 2009 and described as Pyongyang's key arms dealer and exporter of equipment related to ballistic missiles and conventional weapons. In March 2016 the council also blacklisted two KOMID representatives in Syria.

"The consignees were Syrian entities designated by the European Union and the United States as front companies for Syria's Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC), a Syrian entity identified by the Panel as cooperating with KOMID in previous prohibited item transfers," the U.N. experts wrote.

SSRC has overseen the country's chemical weapons program since the 1970s.

The U.N. experts said activities between Syria and North Korea they were investigating included cooperation on Syrian Scud missile programs and maintenance and repair of Syrian surface-to-air missiles air defense systems.

The North Korean and Syrian missions to the United Nations did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The experts said they were also investigating the use of the VX nerve agent in Malaysia to kill the estranged half-brother of North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un in February.

North Korea has been under U.N. sanctions since 2006 over its ballistic missile and nuclear programs and the Security Council has ratcheted up the measures in response to five nuclear weapons tests and four long-range missile launches.

Syria agreed to destroy its chemical weapons in 2013 under a deal brokered by Russia and the United States. However, diplomats and weapons inspectors suspect Syria may have secretly maintained or developed a new chemical weapons capability.

During the country's more than six-year long civil war the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has said the banned nerve agent sarin has been used at least twice, while the use of chlorine as a weapon has been widespread. The Syrian government has repeatedly denied using chemical weapons.

~~~~~ Source photo and Content: ~~~~~~~

Egyptian US Aid, Muslim Brotherhood, Human Rights, Suez Canal, Kushner, Egyptian Free Elections

The US has decided to deny Egypt almost $100 million in aid and hold back another $195 million until it sees improvements in Cairo's track record on human rights and democracy. Which basically is our fought because of letting Egypt get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood that was fully elected by the people of Egypt during the reign when Clinton was Secretary of State. Installed was a military dictatorship such as Mubarak and Sadat were.

The Trump administration is looking to strike a balance between acknowledging Egypt's importance as a strategic partner and frustration with passage of a new NGO law it sees as curbing democracy and freedoms. The importance though is the route and access to the Suez Canal and the mal treatment of the Coptic Christians. Another Christian-Muslim thing. Stir up stink and sell weapons and cutting the budget.

"We have serious concerns regarding human rights and governance in Egypt," an administration official said. "At the same time, strengthened security cooperation is important to US national security."
Washington has given Cairo nearly $80 billion in military and economic assistance over the past 30 years and will continue to support Egypt in defeating extremists, fighting terrorism and bolstering its economy, the official said. But what human rights are they talking about, taking up for the Coptic Christian minority, key word here, is Christian. This will be a big blow to Israeli and Egyptian relations and Egypt has many cards to play in a backlash against the US.

Washington is central both to Middle East peace efforts, a priority for the President, and to resolving an ongoing dispute between Washington's Gulf allies, which US officials worry could hamper the fight against ISIS.

The funding decision, first reported by Reuters, comes as President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner is set to arrive in Egypt Friday as part of a Mideast trip focused on Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts and on resolving the spat between Qatar on one hand and Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain on the other. But then who and how did Kushner become a foreign envoy and what qualifications does he hold for the job, but being an Orthodox Zionist. No one will ever save the Palestine-Israeli peace problem until Israel stops building settlements on the West Bank and treating the Palestinians with a little more respects and human right by Israel, give me a break. Qatar should have never suffered under the Trump administration's promoting of it in Saudi Arabia false narratives and demands for a small strategic country to Saudi Arabia and in which the US holds military bases within that country.

The move against Egypt marks another notable turn in Trump's foreign policy stance, given that his administration made clear early that human rights were not going to be given primacy over economic or strategic interests. Russia will move on this opportunity taking advantage of the US stupidity or is it just a given to the Russian inclusion.Part of the Trump pay back for getting him elected.

That changed when the administration felt "blindsided" by Egypt's decision to move forward in May with a law that restricts nongovernmental organizations to development and social work, an administration official told CNN. Members of groups that do anything else, including democracy development, face up to five years in jail under the law. The Egyptian military dictatorship should be removed and free elections should take place again and not be toppled by US or any countries interference. Egypt is wrong in holding back democracy in their country, a blame to the Obama administration in not taking up for the past elected government of Egypt. Trump and Tillerson is right in this point.

Trump approved the decision to withhold aid earlier this month, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson signed off within the last week, the official said. Assurances at the highest levels

During Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's April visit to the White House, members of the delegation "at the highest levels" had assured the White House the law would not be passed, the administration official said. The decision to deny Egypt aid is the administration's response.

The aid includes $195 million in Foreign Military Financing, allocated for fiscal year 2016, that's meant to help Egypt address threats to its security and bolster the global anti-terrorism efforts.

Tillerson has directed that that funding will now be held in reserve "until we see progress from Egypt on key priorities," the official said. "We remain concerned about Egypt's lack of progress in key areas, including human rights and the new NGO law," the official said.

As a result, Washington will also redirect another $65.7 million in Foreign Military Financing and $30 million in Economic Support Funds that had been meant for Egypt and give them, instead, to "other key security partners."

The official said it hadn't been decided which partners would get the funds, but stressed that the move won't undermine Cairo's security.

It's a sharp change from earlier this year, when both Trump and Tillerson said that national and economic interests should often take priority.

"We are not here to lecture," Trump told Saudi Arabia's rulers in a speech during his May visit to the country, his first foreign trip. "We are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be or how to worship.". No. we are just here to kiss you ass for oil and weapons sales and support a monarch that is worse then Egypt.

Earlier that month, Tillerson had told State Department employees that "if we condition too heavily that others must adopt this value that we've come to over a long history of our own, it really creates obstacles to our ability to advance our national security interests, our economic interests."

Groups such as Amnesty International have documented widespread repression and human rights abuses, including torture, by the Egyptian security forces and an effort by the government to quell dissent.

Tillerson has directed that the frozen $195 million in military aid can be accessed "at any time," provided Egypt makes progress, the official said. Asked whether it would be enough for Egypt to reverse the NGO law, the official said, "I don't know what it will take. We'll know it when we see it."
The Egyptian Embassy did not return calls for comment.

Trump's Ego, Kushner Power, Zionism, Nationalism, Evangelicalism, Muslim Brotherhood, Military Complex, Extremism, $$$, Pakistan and Afghanistan Policy and the Many Forms of Globalization

Trump in Arizona at his pep rally reminds me of a promotion for a fight, or is it just a feel good stimulation for his ego.

More power has been given to Kushner, since Bannon left the White House. In Trumps cabinet, he had competing groups. The military complex, the nationalist, the evangelicals and the supportive billionaires that have backed him. Oh! forgot, the Russian, but it in itself is made of billionaire, such as the oligarchs. The nationalist are out after Charlottesville and the billionaires have fallen out like flies.

With Kushner and the military complex winning the battle, you are bound to see more fighting, more war and conflicts. How else can you promote weapons sales and the Zionist agenda. Lots of people did not know, that Bannon's in laws are Jewish and so it exist in the Trump family. Big support for Israel. The Evangelist are just riding the wave.

Trump announced he would be cutting aid to Egypt because of human rights issues. Fine because the majority of the parliament and a large part of the political democratic base is the Muslim Brotherhood. Big part of the Arab Spring during the Obama administration. This will give a boost to the Muslim Brotherhood. Problem with Egypt is, his has been under not freely elected governments for years. Sadat, Mubarrack and now under military authoritarian rule and all of them stemming from the military complex in Egypt. Hint, hint, military......McMaster, Kelly, Israel, weapons sale, stir the pot, cause fear, it all sells.

Israel's ultimate plan to protect itself, is to keep the US on its side, such is keep the pot stirred in the Middle East, keep oil as an importance, keep alternative energies at bay to keep the petro dollar going and keep the arms sales rocking and who knows, hinder the influence of Islam in the region.

There will be more terrorist recruiting in large numbers, lots of money being made on fighting terrorism, weapons sales, keeping the Sunni and Shiites at odds and who is to know, with the number one seller of weapons and the 2nd one being Russia, the Russian collusion, they might be rubbing each others back.

In Afghanistan, why is it being enhanced, well....again conflict and war, sells weapons, a wealth of mineral reserves in Afghanistan, the Chinese Silk Road, the keeping of military bases, which stand at 9 under lease with the US government, the poppy growing at a record, feeding the Taliban etc. $$$$$$$$$$.

We spend a lot to money and time fighting terrorism in the Middle East. The money being spent there could just be basing it down to extremism and fanaticism. We have terrorist in our mist in the US. The KKK, Neo Nazi, White supremacist organizations, Black Panthers, religious cults, drug cartels and street gangs. But we are totally focused on Muslims and terrorism.

A new proposal being waved no is cracking down on Pakistan, which should have been done a long time ago. Harboring Bin Laden, it is a nuclear power with the Taliban in its mist. India is a lot more important. Anyway, it was used as a launching pad to India, during terror attack done on it a way back. We should get India more involved in the process of sandwiching in the Taliban in Pakistan and deterring the Islamic take over of India in itself.

The Islamic and Christian crusades have been going on since the dark ages and it is still being fought in a tug of war of influences. The Catholic and Evangelical influences are international in importing its influence to fill the coffers for their ideas. Such to be the Islamic goals to make the whole world Muslim. The knot in the the rope is Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Globalism should be a shared coalition of the world as a whole, not a constant fight of religions, economic systems trying to conquer the world, for all to say, it is not globalization, but the form of.
This is why WW1 and WW2 was fought and who is to say, with Trump, WW3. Globalization should  be a mixing of cultures, coalitions coming together, the United Nations, open borders to trade, free trade, free commerce flow, diplomatic solutions involving the neighborhood, free flow of ideas from media, the Internet and social sites. The free spirit of independent thought and if spiritual, free spirit in a way where all spirit beliefs are accepted and combined to crate a more peaceful world. Not wars, conflict, dividing, feeding hate and fear, selling religion, oligarchy and billionaires to feed the bottom line but in a since to feed the coffers of all where all in the world benefit and have the chance to bring themselves out of poverty and into the world of technology access and out of the world of just living day to day to survive what is not their fought.

THE BLUEGRASS CHAMPS. (Let Me Be Your) Salty Dog. Live 1956 Performance

08 Procol Harum [Live German TV 1971] - A Salty Dog

Operation Reinhard - Kushner Rising

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Who are the Taliban? - Truthloader

Afghanistan Explained: The war that never ends

The Afghanistan Resource Corridor

The Real Cause of the Afghanistan Invasion and Troop Surge

You've heard of the Earth Worm, but what about the Acorn Worm?

Jim Carrey in Ugly Woman Wanda on The Dating Game - In living Color

Jimmie Rodgers - Waiting for a Train

How To Prepare Acorns Into a Raw Super Food!

Aconite Herb Health Benefits

President Trump's Budget Slashes Billions From Medicaid, Social Security...

"He Will Resign In Months" Anderson Cooper ENDS Trump - Revealing His Lies

Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 22, 2017

Global Markets Are Crushing The U.S. | Trading Nation | CNBC

Late Of The Pier Space And The Woods

Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 21, 2017

Abby Martin & Chris Hedges: War, Propaganda and the Enemy Within

Abby Martin & Chris Hedges: War, Propaganda and the Enemy Within

Why we should be in Afghanistan, ISIS, Taliban, Trump, Poppy and Heroin

The Afghan War is the longest running war in history, but is it really a war? It is a conflict in American and global interest here are some of the reasons.

1. ISIS and the Taliban have a heavy presents in the area. ISIS, we all know about, the most extreme source of Islam. The Taliban is terrorist ruling organization that degrade their women like dogs, is in the poppy trade and is one of the largest drug cartel protectents in the Middle East and the world. They use this money to buy weapons. Currently they hold 32% of Afghanistan.

2. Everyone agrees that ISIS must be eradicated from the planet. The Taliban and Afghanistan would be another spring board to launching terrorist attacks on Europe and North America. Now the cost, very expensive, but why must the US accept all the burden financially. They should not.

3. It should be worked out in the United Nations to what happens, but being we have the Trump administration that is turning into a military complex profiteer, it will never happen, but the elections are coming up in 2018, and in 2019 we will have a lame duck.

4. The eradication of Taliban should be done through the United Nations or a coalition to include mostly, Iranian, Kazakhstan, Pakistani, troops invited by the Afghan's. Support could be done through NATO and the US and Russia. Any country that has an interest in doing business in the country should be involved. The problem with most conflicts in the world is that they still want to play imperialist, economic control freaks to suit their fancy, and manipulate the world for their own greed.

5. The answer is through the United Nations, coalition forces as one as we did in Bosnia, cost sharing and just be in a support role to the one common cause and that is to eradicate the Taliban and ISIS, eradicate the poppy trade in which most of it is the raw source of the heroin epidemic in the USA in which take 40,000 lives every year, more than car accidents

Comments welcome:

Can ARGENTINA lead the RACE for LITHIUM? - VisualPolitik EN

Monday, August 21, 2017

America's Working Destitute: Full-time jobs, yet homeless

Nationalism: A Dangerous Culture | Somi Jun | TEDxSouthPasadenaHigh

Globalization Does Not Destroy Culture, Internet Portal to Globalization, Globalism is Winning Out Nationalism

Globalization does not destroy cultures. The world's nations are nations of mixed cultures and mixing of cultural exchanges have been going on for centuries. I think a wake up call for everyone would be a modern day DNA test, a shocking reboot of who you thought you were and what you really are.
The Internet is a portal of communications through social sites that will bring the world closer together as one as it has been the last couple decades. Through technology, AI, the Internet (the tree of knowledge which religion does not want you to have}. Remember there are evilangleticals in the White House, (Misspelling intended).
Culture is a living thing, ever changing, ever evolving in which humans have always, explains why the religions are against evolution which means adapting to the new. If not, we would still be in the dark ages.
Globalism is winning the war on populism as played out recently in the European elections and the Trump downgrade. 2018 will be the finishing touch to this, and we will have a lame duck presidency thanks to the young college students, the youth voters who always have changed society as a whole, globalism is just going through a phase of traditionalist who will not change afraid of the new, brainwashed in their own ways.

Bill Maher Trashes Evangelicals, Mormons, and Donald J Trump in 5 minute...

The Surprisingly Easy Way to Get Rid of Donald Trump | The Resistance wi...

MASS EXTINCTION event now under way that will decimate the global human ...

101 East - The Philippines' population debate, the Catholic church, slums of the Philippines

The World Bank and the Future of Poverty

Here's Who Could Lose the Most in a U.S.-China Trade War

How U.S. Workers Would Lose in a Trade War With China

Neko Case ft. The Sadies - Hold On, Hold On (Conan 2006)

Neko Case ft. The Sadies - Hold On, Hold On (Conan 2006)

The trap of materialism

The Price Of The American Dream

U.S Navy collision Singapore

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Frockman Profile, looking for that foreign girl or whoever

Come check out the site, lots of music, geopolitics, world news, news in general, my philosophies and interest., G+, twitter, tumblr, vk, YouTube, OK ru,, +12409703109

Retired from the army and social security.Now living in Waldorf, Maryland. I am 56 and separated. Married 2x once to a Korean and the other a woman from Laos. Want to retire in a foreign country and retire. Like to travel, internet, reading, keeping up with world news, investing, eating out, enjoying my retirement, experiencing and meeting people from different cultures, free thinker, free spirit. music, karaoke, economics and social trends in the world, globalist liberal, into nutrition and herbs, New Age thinker  . My music likes are rock, pop music,  country, bluegrass, smooth jazz, funk, disco, folk, soft rock, southern rock. Enjoy. Libra and born under the sign of the rat. 

Words that describe my personality: Money matters, don't tread on my freedoms, mysterious, regeneration, radiate worth and being happy, excitement, visionary, no boredom, past is important to learn from, not being bogged down by others, realistic, practical, its all about the mind, very shrewd, communication is important, deep thinker, big heart, listener, nature, current events, sky's the limit, love music, karaoke, I feel my way around, I give it my all, I stand my ground, respect, beliefs are practical, diplomatic, set my own standards, express myself when needed, desire is important, passionate, I let my conscience be my guide, can change quickly, adaptive, backup plans to backup plans, look ahead, look behind to see whose behind you, understanding, take charge, good nature, good cheer, like parties, guidance, independent, prideful, a listener, self confident, self motivator, leadership ability, strong willed, not swayed too easy, positive, success is important, don't stick to something to long, research the answer before going forward, youthful appearance, sense of humor, never run out of ideas, quick to put others to ease, refined, gentle, strong willed and a way. Do not like naggers, fanatics, clean freaks, control freaks.

College: English , Speech , History,  Psychology, Technical Math, College Orientation, Physical Conditioning, Personnel Management, Physical Education, Intro to Management, Sales Techniques, Accounting 1, Accounting 2, Korean Grammar and Writing, Management Problems, Training Management, Records Management, Supervision, Data Processing, Office Management, Law Enforcement, Sociology, Economics. 

My work experiences. Message center operations, message delivery, office clerk, publications mgmt. telecommunications center operations, communications security storage clerk, army recruiter, ammunition supply clerk, small arms security and storage, training coordinator, nuclear biological chemical training and safety, retail storage distribution, data processing, electronic parts distribution, mortgage post closer, military battlefield analysis.

Military Training: Nuclear Biological Chemical Safety and Training, Telecommunications Center Operations, Communications Terminology, Primary Leadership Development, German Culture, Korean Culture, Italian Culture, Principals of Counseling, Training Management, Communications Security Hardware and Software Storage, Alcohol and Drug Coordination Testing and Counseling, Publications Clerk Course, Basic Leadership Course, Advanced Leadership Course, Small Arms Maintenance and Storage.


Scientists Put On Lockdown Under Trump

Summer Breeze - Seals & Croft #1 Hit(1972)

How Trump is Secretly Blowing Up Social Security Right Now...

Syria: Civilians return to Raqqa, facing grim conditions in surrounding ...

Friday, August 18, 2017

Charlottesville’s Racist Vice Mayor’s Sick Past Exposed, Proves Why Cops...

Trump's Evangelical Advisory Board

CNN Moves On from #Charlottesville Bellamy Racism

Charlottesville Reacts to Bellamy Tweets

Charlottesville Mayor's racist past.

Jim Carrey in Juicemania - In Living Color (s04e05)

"White, White, Baby" - Vanilla Ice Parody from In Living Color

Why Does America Love Its Military So Much?

Haddaway - What Is Love [Official]

Forever Young: Russian scientists reveal secret of eternal life (RT Docu...

► Live Long, Live Wild: The Secret to a Long Life (Sky Vision Documentary)

The principles of living longer

Dr. Oz Shares 7 Secrets To Living Longer | TODAY

Thursday, August 17, 2017

China Cools North Korea and Now Bannon Advises Trump for China Trade War, War vs Peace

What have been the impact on a Korean War. It is now out that Trump now has to ask the South Korean President before going to war with North Korea, I guess so because it is in their back yard. North Korea is just flexing its muscle in the world. Kim knows if it went to war with the US, then it would be a toasted pop tart. On top of that, China would involve itself. I think to go to war with a foreign nation, it takes a declaration of war against it going through congress after 90 days.

War with North Korea would cause many South Korean deaths, not American deaths. Who are we to say that we want war. Ukraine, Saudi Arabia vs Iran, Syrian conflict, Venezuela overthrow, Iraq, Afghanistan, South China Sea......on and on and on......sells a lot of weapons, cost live of future consumers in the world, tears up infrastructure, disrupts people's lives, tears families apart and creates angry young Islamic terrorist.

Are we just selling weapons to the world, or trying to create an economic global free trade, free flow of consumer goods, bringing the world together to act as one in policing the global neighborhood, or are we just trying to sell weapons along with Russia? Are we in on it together, rubbing each others back since we and Russia sell more weapons to foreign counter parts than anyone in the world. Come on, the military complex on both nations should be engaging in other areas of the global economy, not in war and con flex. People spend more money during peaceful times and governments, your taxes spend more during war, oh what we could do better with that money and the social ills around the world we could fix.

Uptick in Podcast

Podcasts predate the iPhone, Spotify and Netflix's streaming service. But thanks to such things, they're finally starting to catch on with the general public.  

The term "podcast" was first coined by a Guardian journalist in 2004 in an article about online radio, and the first ones appeared even earlier than that, even if they weren't called "podcasts." For years, few people tuned in. But, as we can see in this chart from Statista, which is based on data from Edison Research and Triton Digital, podcast listening has finally started to take off. Six in 10 Americans now know what a podcast is, and four in 10 have listened to one at some point. 

The increase in podcast consumption could be attributed to a rise in the overall consumption of digital media. The proliferation of smartphones has also helped make downloading and listening to shows easier than ever. 

But the format got a big boost in 2014 with the first season of Sarah Koenig's show, "Serial," which reached 5 million downloads faster than any other podcast before it. Now everyone from Snooki to Goldman Sachs has a podcast, and major media companies like HBO and the BBC are upping the game by bringing big budgets and talent to the format.  

DMX - Party Up (Up In Here)

Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 17, 2017

Razorlight - Golden Touch

Acklins Island Bahamas

Trump's Road to the White House (full film) | FRONTLINE

Russia Still Helping Donald Trump, Hacked Mail Story Suggests | Rachel M...

Trump Considers Prolonging Afghan War to Secure $1 Trillion in Untapped ...

R.E.M. - Losing my religion (The story behind the song)

The most CENSORED science books you're not supposed to read

What really SCARES Big Pharma? People who know how to CURE their own DIS...

What the Media Won't Tell You About Qatar

Iran, Russia, Syria vs USA, NATO, EU, GCC , Kurds, Saudi Arabia. The Pipelines, Gas Reserves, Shiite vs Sunni

Iran and Russia show great interest in Syria. One reason being, Iran is Shiite, in which Assad is too, and that Russia has always had interest in the Shiite minorities. Hezbollah is also in that area which is a Shiite sect. There is the interest also in Iraq next door and a pipeline that Russia and Iran want to run through the region. To top it off, there is a large natural gas deposits off the coast of Syria that Russia is interested in and so is Israel.

The USA's, EU, Israeli, NATO and Sunni coalitions such as Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the GCC are interested in the same things and want to change Syria back into a Sunni enclave.
Oil is also a big commodity in the area of utmost importance.

Trump has hired a lot of military generals. Uh........weapons sales. What do you need to sell weapons? Wars, conflicts, boasting military actions, feeding the fire of rhetoric in areas such as the Korean peninsula, Ukraine, defending Israel, causing sectarian strife and the more of the young Arabs family members we bomb creates young Jihadist out of vendettas.

ISIS is on its last leg in Syria, and then post ISIS involves the Kurds wanting a homeland, in which they deserve, because they have done better than any other group in the area in defeating ISIS in Syria and Iraq. It will be interesting to see, because Iraq does not want the Kurds in the northern area of their country and the Turks don't want them to have a homeland, especially on the border with Turkey.

Then you have Russia in which the Kurds would be a interference in running the pipeline through Syria and Iraq. The US is in this area. There will also be a fight in the control and influence of Iraq by Syria, Iran and Russia vs the GCC, Saudi Arabia, EU.

Syria should be Sunni, because it is a majority of the population and would very easily win if democratic elections were hold. Yes we should over throw Assad in which Putin does not want.

The refugee problem is not a problem, but a humanitarian issue in which the nations should be involved in solving through safe zones protected by NATO and the US through no fly zones and well guarded. Also countries should be welcoming them in as a humanitarian mission of the world. If we overthrow Assad, get rid of ISIS, divide the region up in such we did with Yugoslavia with peacekeeping forces and in which Russia could be involved, things would work out and so would the refugee crisis.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Trump, Populism NAFTA, TPP, the Populist Fad, Short Lived

Trump is on a downward spiral. Brexit does not have a majority support like it use to. The populist parties have lost in France, Netherlands, Austria and in Italy. Nationalism is being short lived around the world and it did not take long for the young people to realize that the nationalist wanted to take them back to the 30's and 40's. This is Trump's agenda to.

NAFTA is being renegotiated, we pulled out of the TPP and the dollar is sinking low in which explains the high stock market index which really does not reflect the true market because of the cheap dollar.

When will we learn that globalization is here to stay and benefits everyone with low inflation, pulling people around the world out of poverty. Happy people don't want wars and conflict. It is the world economy stupid. The minority of 30% in the US, that are evangelical, rural, nationalistic, non changing in the United States have lost the trend set, and a short trend at that. Hope you enjoyed your ride. Charlottesville was the last straw.

U2 Angel Of Harlem

Acid-Base Reactions in Solution: Crash Course Chemistry #8

Why Religion is Outdated in the 21st Century - Lawrence Krauss

Richard Dawkins: 2 Flaws Plague Unscientific Belief, from Trump & Alt-Ri...

Johnny Cash - I see a Darkness - Lyrics

Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 16, 2017

How to Become a Free Spirit

Johnny Cash - I Walk the Line - Live at San Quentin (Good sound quality)

People and Power - Begging for Life

25 Sobering Statistics On Global Poverty That Might Upset You

Food Stimulants for the Pancreas

Russel Sprouts
Sweet Potatoes

Most Popular Red Light Districts Around the World

1. Amsterdam, Netherlands
2. Bangkok, Thailand
3. Frankfurt. Germany
4. Paris, France
5. Tokyo, Japan
6. Hamburg, Germany
7. Antwerp, Belgium
8. Perth, Netherlands
9. Guiyang, Singapore
10.San Francisco, USA
11. Manila, Philippines
12. Seoul, South Korea
13. Rangoon, Myanmar
14. Mumbai, India
15. New Delhi, India

Cold Hard Facts About World Poverty

At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 per day. Free trade, foreign aid, governmental support through UN programs would solve a lot of this, not spending money on weapons as a priority. Those who are rich having heart would support a lot of these causes. All people need around the world is a jump start and opportunity to better their lives. This is where nationalism is greedy and one stained glass church window could feed and house someone in the world. $10 a day and we complain, greed will kill you.

To put things into perspective, the top 20% of the world's population accounts for three quarters of the world's income. This is a problem with today's world in income disparity. Society should be based on a market and profit sharing for employment, required retirement programs for all global employees. Welfare for all who need a jump start that give themselves pride to get back on their feet again. Drug wars and harsh policing of societies create a lot of the world poverty we see today because we brand them, thinking they will never change, but all people change when their is a helping hand a glimmer of hope and light is seen at the end of the tunnel.

Half of the world's population accounts for only 5% of the world's income. This is not right in a sense that these people get most of the tax breaks, big companies get bailed out and you as a common citizen do not.

According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die every day due to poverty. This is 22,000 future consumers, opportunities to change the world, children are our future, those who deserve the right to be educated and go to schools, despite what a religion says, an economy dictates, wars destroy because of oil or world dominance.

Nearly one third of children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunted. All children and people should have a right to a meal, health care and an education. In saying this free broadband to the Internet to have knowledge at their finger tips. No more keeping the world's poor dumb for greedy profits and greed of others.

Last year, about 70 million children of primary school age were not in school. Again all should have a right to an education and free college. It has been proven that young people or all people for that manner do not commit or are more less to commit crimes if educated. In saying this, free thought, free spirit and free Internet should be a priority in the coming together of the world through global multicultural exchanges of people and civilizations to bring forth a more peaceful world.

Nearly a billion people celebrated the coming of the 21st century without being able to read a book or sign their name. This is too much. All people in the world should if not be educated, to educate themselves in self taught learning through the Internet. This should be a priority goal in NGO's organizations, foreign aid, charitable organizations and governments.

Preventable diseases like Malaria afflict nearly 500 million people every year. If we prioritize world funds of governments, this problem can be eradicated. It is a preventable through the drugs that prevent it to include many other diseases.

Africa alone accounts for roughly 1 million deaths due to Malaria annually. Most of them are children. If we eradicated Islamic extremist group, stomped out dictatorships, corruption through the means of the Rule of Law, If all the nations of the world would come together to prop up the African economies, for Africa is the next worldwide great labor force of the world and people not looking for a hand out but a hand up.

Speaking of children, there are 2.2 billion children in the world, half of them in extreme poverty. No wonder you half gang members, drug cartels, child exploitation, young terrorist, young crimes being committed and angry young people yearning for a better life but down the wrong path. This is your future world in which you as a older person will retire in and they will be your support, good or bad, it is all of our choice.

Over 1 billion people have inadequate access to water and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation. Many times this means no separation of drinking water and toilet water. Basic sanitation is where disease comes from and where it multiplies and spread, maybe even to you. Sanitation for all in the world would prevent a lot of this and this should be a worldwide mission for the United Nations, worldwide
NGO's the more economically privileged in world and governments.

That is why 1.8 million children die every year of diarrhea. Again, this is do to lack of sanitation in the world today.

Approximately half of the world's population now lives in cities and about one third of those in the cities live in slum conditions. This is a big problem in third world countries but they survive. Governments should help all people out of these conditions but not through ordinance of laws that throw people out of their homes, making them homeless and out in the streets like in the United States.

In fact, slum growth is outpacing urban growth by a frighteningly large margin. This is due to lack of opportunities and welfare programs that should be institutions. If not working, supply a supplemented income to those who can afford better housing.

One quarter of humanity lives without electricity. Most live on fossil fuel, which has been a necessary evil and the old fossil fuel sectors that have existed. We are now moving away from this world into solar, wind and renewables. But in saying this not regulating every energy resource out to the market, all should have accessibility to energies and how they achieve this to survive should not be restricted by governments to restrict a person's right to survive.

The 7 richest people in the world make more than the poorest 41 countries combined (roughly 567 million people).What is wrong with this picture. Incomes should be like a pay scale not a world of oligarchs that keep the main worldwide populous suppressed for their profits and manipulation.

14% of the world population own over 80% of the world's private financial wealth. The vast majority of that wealth has managed to avoid all income and estate taxes, either by the countries where it has been invested or where it comes from. Require estate taxes.

For every $1 in aid that a developing country receives, over $25 is spent on debt repayment. Sad on this part, seems like bringing more middle class consumers into the market would be a better idea where these debts can be forgiven, like the bail out in the US with the banks. Bail out people at the bottom and you will bail out the economy.

The poorer the country, the more likely it is that the debt repayments are being extracted directly from the people who neither contracted the loans nor received any money. This is because of corruption, greedy dictatorships and oligarchs

In fact, keeping people depressed, poor, thinking that life is just not worth living feeds the church coffers, the narcos, the gangs, the cartels, the human smuggling, the alcohol producers, the tobacco producers and big pshyco big pharma in business, not to mention private prisons and Law Inc.

Here in saying that all health care should be universal and supplemented public access, public education that is free even to the college levels. Access to the Internet as an information access tool and social networking having the freedom to grow without interference through regulation, far right or religious suppression.

If you are reading this list then you are in the top 30% of the world's population when it comes to poverty and wealth.

With new technologies we now grow enough food to feed 10 billion people or 1.5 times the world population. The problem is that most of the world can't afford to buy that food. Food should be exempt of scrutiny in importing and exporting to create farmer protection. Food should flow freely without interference in getting it to the people who need it. So much is wasted through trade barriers, supplementation, migrant restrictions and greed price gouging. Farmers should be presented the opportunity to buy through supplementation or donations of tools and farm equipment to improve precaution and presented with western methods of farming production procedures.

If the world spent less than 1% of what it spends on weapons all the previously mentioned issues would be fixed. Wars cost money, destroys infrastructures of one thriving civilizations, puts nations and taxpayers in debt to feed a military machine complex who without wars and conflicts would not make profits.