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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Why we should be in Afghanistan, ISIS, Taliban, Trump, Poppy and Heroin

The Afghan War is the longest running war in history, but is it really a war? It is a conflict in American and global interest here are some of the reasons.

1. ISIS and the Taliban have a heavy presents in the area. ISIS, we all know about, the most extreme source of Islam. The Taliban is terrorist ruling organization that degrade their women like dogs, is in the poppy trade and is one of the largest drug cartel protectents in the Middle East and the world. They use this money to buy weapons. Currently they hold 32% of Afghanistan.

2. Everyone agrees that ISIS must be eradicated from the planet. The Taliban and Afghanistan would be another spring board to launching terrorist attacks on Europe and North America. Now the cost, very expensive, but why must the US accept all the burden financially. They should not.

3. It should be worked out in the United Nations to what happens, but being we have the Trump administration that is turning into a military complex profiteer, it will never happen, but the elections are coming up in 2018, and in 2019 we will have a lame duck.

4. The eradication of Taliban should be done through the United Nations or a coalition to include mostly, Iranian, Kazakhstan, Pakistani, troops invited by the Afghan's. Support could be done through NATO and the US and Russia. Any country that has an interest in doing business in the country should be involved. The problem with most conflicts in the world is that they still want to play imperialist, economic control freaks to suit their fancy, and manipulate the world for their own greed.

5. The answer is through the United Nations, coalition forces as one as we did in Bosnia, cost sharing and just be in a support role to the one common cause and that is to eradicate the Taliban and ISIS, eradicate the poppy trade in which most of it is the raw source of the heroin epidemic in the USA in which take 40,000 lives every year, more than car accidents

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