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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Top 9 Countries for a Women to Be Born In, Islam, Gangs, Religion, Wars, Pimps, Globalization

1. Afghanistan, Islamic, underage marriage, war, opium, many flee to Pakistan.

2. Saudi Arabia, Islamic, monarch, US supported, feeds our oil addiction but solar and wind power and electric cars will steal this countries thunder globally.

3. Sudan, again Islamic, civil war torn, great oil potential, corruption

4. Guatemala, gang infested and refer to their women as bitches, this is the only one Latin American country on this list, Catholic.

5. Yemen, war torn between Saudi Arabia and Iran, Sunni vs Shiite, Trump war mongering profiteering, again Islamic

6. Turkey, most likely went worst because of their new president, Turkey is going back to its Islamic roots, which is depressing, over hauling their education system and now do not want to be a part of the EU.

7. Somalia, war torn, again Islamic, would make a good geo area for air launches because of its horned coast.

8. Nepal, over populated and women are not treated well, it ranks above many in trafficking of women, landlocked, Buddhist.

9. Pakistan, again Islamic, a nuclear power, at odds with India over water, Taliban protected in harboring them is the price is right.

Note: Women should be cherished in this world. They repopulate it, nourish it, religions seem to suppress this. They are huge money makers and consumers if given freedom and opportunities in life and benefits to an economies is exceptional. Wars, pimps, gangs, fanatical religions like Islam are detrimental to the global female populations, change is on the way in the form of global Liberal initiatives. Free thought, free spirit, free markets.

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