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Friday, August 25, 2017

Global Democracy, Globalization Changing Oppressive Regimes and Religions, Islam, Communism

He has written and edited numerous articles and books on democracy in developing countries and the problems of development and corruption, particularly in Africa and Asia. Dr. Diamond has also served as a consultant to the U.S. Agency for International Development and co-authored its recent report, Foreign Aid in the National Interest.

The most important journey in a global democratic free society is one self becoming more than he or she ever thought could without restriction from a religion, government or traditional control freak institutions. In saying this, religion should not be part of the governmental system, but the people in majority setting morals thought free and fair elections.

Global democracy cannot be forced upon a society, therefore it must be seeded into one through media, the Internet, social sites, exchange of ideas a free non restrictive access to information and entertainment.
But it first must be promoted within through resistance and in many societies this comes in the form of group protest by the young and college educated to include support from the elite steering the drive towards more freedom. Music, entertainment, free press and expression. Standing up to oppressive institutions and regimes in power. People power in mass numbers.

A bold vision in globalization and liberal democracy would be but in time could and should be influenced in the Middle East. It was taking fold in the Arab Spring in which the US backed down from as we did Russia after the Cold War. Now you have military dictatorships, extremist powers, terrorist groups and oppressive monarchs that carry and do not want to lose the Muslim traditions in keeping everything in check. Oil is the only commodity that keeps these powers to be in power. Therefore, electric cars, solar and clean renewable energies must be to the forefront to change this culture of programmed souls according to powers to be.

China is an oppressive communist power also that need to be bought into the free world, a free liberal globalized world of free markets, free thought, free media, free spirit, free consumerism, freedoms of expression in arts, music, in changing. This to has to be done inside out, The political power is in Beijing, but the economic power in which they feed off of is in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Down through history, Beijing is located where the Monarchical Manchurians ruled over China but in majority of Chine, down south is the Hon Chinese.Go figure. 

So not through military force, geopolitical threats to the Islamic and Communist world must be based on diplomacy of ideas. Free access to the Internet and social networks, which in time, China will serum but survives under a large military presence to hold power. 

Both Islam and the Communist rule of China to open the unlocked potential in their peoples for economic growth and bring forth a globalized liberal thriving economic power houses, Money and economics always prevails over rule, In time oil will not be that important of a commodity and communism will go broke through over spending in its military to hold onto rule, unless the money runs out from the south, such is Shanghai and Hong Kong financial gas the fuels Beijing. With this North Korea will change. Oh the economic potential to be unlocked the world economic stage. Time will tell

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