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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Trump's Ego, Kushner Power, Zionism, Nationalism, Evangelicalism, Muslim Brotherhood, Military Complex, Extremism, $$$, Pakistan and Afghanistan Policy and the Many Forms of Globalization

Trump in Arizona at his pep rally reminds me of a promotion for a fight, or is it just a feel good stimulation for his ego.

More power has been given to Kushner, since Bannon left the White House. In Trumps cabinet, he had competing groups. The military complex, the nationalist, the evangelicals and the supportive billionaires that have backed him. Oh! forgot, the Russian, but it in itself is made of billionaire, such as the oligarchs. The nationalist are out after Charlottesville and the billionaires have fallen out like flies.

With Kushner and the military complex winning the battle, you are bound to see more fighting, more war and conflicts. How else can you promote weapons sales and the Zionist agenda. Lots of people did not know, that Bannon's in laws are Jewish and so it exist in the Trump family. Big support for Israel. The Evangelist are just riding the wave.

Trump announced he would be cutting aid to Egypt because of human rights issues. Fine because the majority of the parliament and a large part of the political democratic base is the Muslim Brotherhood. Big part of the Arab Spring during the Obama administration. This will give a boost to the Muslim Brotherhood. Problem with Egypt is, his has been under not freely elected governments for years. Sadat, Mubarrack and now under military authoritarian rule and all of them stemming from the military complex in Egypt. Hint, hint, military......McMaster, Kelly, Israel, weapons sale, stir the pot, cause fear, it all sells.

Israel's ultimate plan to protect itself, is to keep the US on its side, such is keep the pot stirred in the Middle East, keep oil as an importance, keep alternative energies at bay to keep the petro dollar going and keep the arms sales rocking and who knows, hinder the influence of Islam in the region.

There will be more terrorist recruiting in large numbers, lots of money being made on fighting terrorism, weapons sales, keeping the Sunni and Shiites at odds and who is to know, with the number one seller of weapons and the 2nd one being Russia, the Russian collusion, they might be rubbing each others back.

In Afghanistan, why is it being enhanced, well....again conflict and war, sells weapons, a wealth of mineral reserves in Afghanistan, the Chinese Silk Road, the keeping of military bases, which stand at 9 under lease with the US government, the poppy growing at a record, feeding the Taliban etc. $$$$$$$$$$.

We spend a lot to money and time fighting terrorism in the Middle East. The money being spent there could just be basing it down to extremism and fanaticism. We have terrorist in our mist in the US. The KKK, Neo Nazi, White supremacist organizations, Black Panthers, religious cults, drug cartels and street gangs. But we are totally focused on Muslims and terrorism.

A new proposal being waved no is cracking down on Pakistan, which should have been done a long time ago. Harboring Bin Laden, it is a nuclear power with the Taliban in its mist. India is a lot more important. Anyway, it was used as a launching pad to India, during terror attack done on it a way back. We should get India more involved in the process of sandwiching in the Taliban in Pakistan and deterring the Islamic take over of India in itself.

The Islamic and Christian crusades have been going on since the dark ages and it is still being fought in a tug of war of influences. The Catholic and Evangelical influences are international in importing its influence to fill the coffers for their ideas. Such to be the Islamic goals to make the whole world Muslim. The knot in the the rope is Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Globalism should be a shared coalition of the world as a whole, not a constant fight of religions, economic systems trying to conquer the world, for all to say, it is not globalization, but the form of.
This is why WW1 and WW2 was fought and who is to say, with Trump, WW3. Globalization should  be a mixing of cultures, coalitions coming together, the United Nations, open borders to trade, free trade, free commerce flow, diplomatic solutions involving the neighborhood, free flow of ideas from media, the Internet and social sites. The free spirit of independent thought and if spiritual, free spirit in a way where all spirit beliefs are accepted and combined to crate a more peaceful world. Not wars, conflict, dividing, feeding hate and fear, selling religion, oligarchy and billionaires to feed the bottom line but in a since to feed the coffers of all where all in the world benefit and have the chance to bring themselves out of poverty and into the world of technology access and out of the world of just living day to day to survive what is not their fought.

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