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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Jesus, Materialism, Christians, The Meek and the Humble

Jesus never dressed up to preach
Jesus had a beard and long hair
Jesus never turned anyone away
Jesus did not care of your material status
Jesus said the meek and humble should inherit the earth
Jesus does not care how you look if you can't help it
It would amaze me to what is spent on a church that could be spent to save the homeless (people)
You don't need a big car. fancy clothes when you can spend it on better causes
Be glad you are alive, enjoy it now, because you can't take it with you
Why be buried with pockets
You know if you do exist, and I look at those who go to church
Just leave me, because I would never qualify
If you as a Christian are perfect in which you are not
Don't look down upon the poor, the humble and meek
See you are someone in this life in living
But you are no one when you die
You have no right to talk down to anyone in whatever conditions
All have potential, given the right jump start in life
And if anything it should come from you
You should be judged by your deeds, heart and character
Not whats in your bank account

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