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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Cold Hard Facts About World Poverty

At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 per day. Free trade, foreign aid, governmental support through UN programs would solve a lot of this, not spending money on weapons as a priority. Those who are rich having heart would support a lot of these causes. All people need around the world is a jump start and opportunity to better their lives. This is where nationalism is greedy and one stained glass church window could feed and house someone in the world. $10 a day and we complain, greed will kill you.

To put things into perspective, the top 20% of the world's population accounts for three quarters of the world's income. This is a problem with today's world in income disparity. Society should be based on a market and profit sharing for employment, required retirement programs for all global employees. Welfare for all who need a jump start that give themselves pride to get back on their feet again. Drug wars and harsh policing of societies create a lot of the world poverty we see today because we brand them, thinking they will never change, but all people change when their is a helping hand a glimmer of hope and light is seen at the end of the tunnel.

Half of the world's population accounts for only 5% of the world's income. This is not right in a sense that these people get most of the tax breaks, big companies get bailed out and you as a common citizen do not.

According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die every day due to poverty. This is 22,000 future consumers, opportunities to change the world, children are our future, those who deserve the right to be educated and go to schools, despite what a religion says, an economy dictates, wars destroy because of oil or world dominance.

Nearly one third of children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunted. All children and people should have a right to a meal, health care and an education. In saying this free broadband to the Internet to have knowledge at their finger tips. No more keeping the world's poor dumb for greedy profits and greed of others.

Last year, about 70 million children of primary school age were not in school. Again all should have a right to an education and free college. It has been proven that young people or all people for that manner do not commit or are more less to commit crimes if educated. In saying this, free thought, free spirit and free Internet should be a priority in the coming together of the world through global multicultural exchanges of people and civilizations to bring forth a more peaceful world.

Nearly a billion people celebrated the coming of the 21st century without being able to read a book or sign their name. This is too much. All people in the world should if not be educated, to educate themselves in self taught learning through the Internet. This should be a priority goal in NGO's organizations, foreign aid, charitable organizations and governments.

Preventable diseases like Malaria afflict nearly 500 million people every year. If we prioritize world funds of governments, this problem can be eradicated. It is a preventable through the drugs that prevent it to include many other diseases.

Africa alone accounts for roughly 1 million deaths due to Malaria annually. Most of them are children. If we eradicated Islamic extremist group, stomped out dictatorships, corruption through the means of the Rule of Law, If all the nations of the world would come together to prop up the African economies, for Africa is the next worldwide great labor force of the world and people not looking for a hand out but a hand up.

Speaking of children, there are 2.2 billion children in the world, half of them in extreme poverty. No wonder you half gang members, drug cartels, child exploitation, young terrorist, young crimes being committed and angry young people yearning for a better life but down the wrong path. This is your future world in which you as a older person will retire in and they will be your support, good or bad, it is all of our choice.

Over 1 billion people have inadequate access to water and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation. Many times this means no separation of drinking water and toilet water. Basic sanitation is where disease comes from and where it multiplies and spread, maybe even to you. Sanitation for all in the world would prevent a lot of this and this should be a worldwide mission for the United Nations, worldwide
NGO's the more economically privileged in world and governments.

That is why 1.8 million children die every year of diarrhea. Again, this is do to lack of sanitation in the world today.

Approximately half of the world's population now lives in cities and about one third of those in the cities live in slum conditions. This is a big problem in third world countries but they survive. Governments should help all people out of these conditions but not through ordinance of laws that throw people out of their homes, making them homeless and out in the streets like in the United States.

In fact, slum growth is outpacing urban growth by a frighteningly large margin. This is due to lack of opportunities and welfare programs that should be institutions. If not working, supply a supplemented income to those who can afford better housing.

One quarter of humanity lives without electricity. Most live on fossil fuel, which has been a necessary evil and the old fossil fuel sectors that have existed. We are now moving away from this world into solar, wind and renewables. But in saying this not regulating every energy resource out to the market, all should have accessibility to energies and how they achieve this to survive should not be restricted by governments to restrict a person's right to survive.

The 7 richest people in the world make more than the poorest 41 countries combined (roughly 567 million people).What is wrong with this picture. Incomes should be like a pay scale not a world of oligarchs that keep the main worldwide populous suppressed for their profits and manipulation.

14% of the world population own over 80% of the world's private financial wealth. The vast majority of that wealth has managed to avoid all income and estate taxes, either by the countries where it has been invested or where it comes from. Require estate taxes.

For every $1 in aid that a developing country receives, over $25 is spent on debt repayment. Sad on this part, seems like bringing more middle class consumers into the market would be a better idea where these debts can be forgiven, like the bail out in the US with the banks. Bail out people at the bottom and you will bail out the economy.

The poorer the country, the more likely it is that the debt repayments are being extracted directly from the people who neither contracted the loans nor received any money. This is because of corruption, greedy dictatorships and oligarchs

In fact, keeping people depressed, poor, thinking that life is just not worth living feeds the church coffers, the narcos, the gangs, the cartels, the human smuggling, the alcohol producers, the tobacco producers and big pshyco big pharma in business, not to mention private prisons and Law Inc.

Here in saying that all health care should be universal and supplemented public access, public education that is free even to the college levels. Access to the Internet as an information access tool and social networking having the freedom to grow without interference through regulation, far right or religious suppression.

If you are reading this list then you are in the top 30% of the world's population when it comes to poverty and wealth.

With new technologies we now grow enough food to feed 10 billion people or 1.5 times the world population. The problem is that most of the world can't afford to buy that food. Food should be exempt of scrutiny in importing and exporting to create farmer protection. Food should flow freely without interference in getting it to the people who need it. So much is wasted through trade barriers, supplementation, migrant restrictions and greed price gouging. Farmers should be presented the opportunity to buy through supplementation or donations of tools and farm equipment to improve precaution and presented with western methods of farming production procedures.

If the world spent less than 1% of what it spends on weapons all the previously mentioned issues would be fixed. Wars cost money, destroys infrastructures of one thriving civilizations, puts nations and taxpayers in debt to feed a military machine complex who without wars and conflicts would not make profits.

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