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Thursday, August 24, 2017

World Food Production to Feed 10 Billion, Factors in Production of Crops and Farming, Greenhouses, Irrigation, Transportation, Market Flow of Food, Migration, Things That Hinder Food to the Market

The world's population is expected to rise to 10 billion by 2053. How will we feed the world? Science and technology will play a big role in this, through biotechnology, nanotechnology and modernization around the world in farming techniques and machinery to harvest and grow the crops. You can buy organic, which is fine, but the human world populations has relied on refrigeration, freezing, salt preservation and packaged and canning techniques in storing these foods Which why surviving a food shortage is paramount in food preservation and seed storage to replenish the food consumed. 

One factor in production of food is just one aspect of it. Transportation and  migrant workers policies play a big part in getting the food to the market place or growing it is senseless. Transportation infrastructure is a must in this. Liberal migration policies to make sure the labor exist to harvest the crops. Liberal free trade policies in importing other foods from other countries. 

Greenhouses can play a big part in growing crops and producing food in northern areas to produce year around growth potential keeping a constant outflow of food to the market place in which should be wide open for imports and exports. 

Irrigation and desalination of water to create crops and food production is important to. It is about time to harvest the power of the ocean resources. 

Domestication of new species of animals and fish farming are important to diversify and multiply food production too. If a species of animal is going extinct in the wild, it has always been bought backed and farmed and used as a resource in the world market. Some of these are the ostrich, buffalo, alligator, etc.

What hinders abundance is too much regulation, wars, conflicts, the world coming together as one to solve humanities problems. Protectionism, world imperialism, communism and socialism are major factors in these issues to boot. 

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