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Thursday, August 17, 2017

Iran, Russia, Syria vs USA, NATO, EU, GCC , Kurds, Saudi Arabia. The Pipelines, Gas Reserves, Shiite vs Sunni

Iran and Russia show great interest in Syria. One reason being, Iran is Shiite, in which Assad is too, and that Russia has always had interest in the Shiite minorities. Hezbollah is also in that area which is a Shiite sect. There is the interest also in Iraq next door and a pipeline that Russia and Iran want to run through the region. To top it off, there is a large natural gas deposits off the coast of Syria that Russia is interested in and so is Israel.

The USA's, EU, Israeli, NATO and Sunni coalitions such as Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the GCC are interested in the same things and want to change Syria back into a Sunni enclave.
Oil is also a big commodity in the area of utmost importance.

Trump has hired a lot of military generals. Uh........weapons sales. What do you need to sell weapons? Wars, conflicts, boasting military actions, feeding the fire of rhetoric in areas such as the Korean peninsula, Ukraine, defending Israel, causing sectarian strife and the more of the young Arabs family members we bomb creates young Jihadist out of vendettas.

ISIS is on its last leg in Syria, and then post ISIS involves the Kurds wanting a homeland, in which they deserve, because they have done better than any other group in the area in defeating ISIS in Syria and Iraq. It will be interesting to see, because Iraq does not want the Kurds in the northern area of their country and the Turks don't want them to have a homeland, especially on the border with Turkey.

Then you have Russia in which the Kurds would be a interference in running the pipeline through Syria and Iraq. The US is in this area. There will also be a fight in the control and influence of Iraq by Syria, Iran and Russia vs the GCC, Saudi Arabia, EU.

Syria should be Sunni, because it is a majority of the population and would very easily win if democratic elections were hold. Yes we should over throw Assad in which Putin does not want.

The refugee problem is not a problem, but a humanitarian issue in which the nations should be involved in solving through safe zones protected by NATO and the US through no fly zones and well guarded. Also countries should be welcoming them in as a humanitarian mission of the world. If we overthrow Assad, get rid of ISIS, divide the region up in such we did with Yugoslavia with peacekeeping forces and in which Russia could be involved, things would work out and so would the refugee crisis.

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