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Thursday, August 17, 2017

China Cools North Korea and Now Bannon Advises Trump for China Trade War, War vs Peace

What have been the impact on a Korean War. It is now out that Trump now has to ask the South Korean President before going to war with North Korea, I guess so because it is in their back yard. North Korea is just flexing its muscle in the world. Kim knows if it went to war with the US, then it would be a toasted pop tart. On top of that, China would involve itself. I think to go to war with a foreign nation, it takes a declaration of war against it going through congress after 90 days.

War with North Korea would cause many South Korean deaths, not American deaths. Who are we to say that we want war. Ukraine, Saudi Arabia vs Iran, Syrian conflict, Venezuela overthrow, Iraq, Afghanistan, South China Sea......on and on and on......sells a lot of weapons, cost live of future consumers in the world, tears up infrastructure, disrupts people's lives, tears families apart and creates angry young Islamic terrorist.

Are we just selling weapons to the world, or trying to create an economic global free trade, free flow of consumer goods, bringing the world together to act as one in policing the global neighborhood, or are we just trying to sell weapons along with Russia? Are we in on it together, rubbing each others back since we and Russia sell more weapons to foreign counter parts than anyone in the world. Come on, the military complex on both nations should be engaging in other areas of the global economy, not in war and con flex. People spend more money during peaceful times and governments, your taxes spend more during war, oh what we could do better with that money and the social ills around the world we could fix.

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