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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The National Debt, Budget Allocation Priorities, You Might Be a Globalist

Every single day the United States creeps further into debt, and it?s taking your IRA/401(k) along with it. At the time of this writing the national debt was $19,968,421,168,592. Yes, you read that right. The U.S. national debt is over $19 TRILLION. It is because we feed the military complex trying to be the empire in the world affairs. Use the social security as a slush fund, that is separate from other funds within the tax budget. Because we don't take care of our own, restrict freedoms, imprison too many people, on and on.....
It?s so bad that if every U.S. citizen were to try to help and pay that off, every single one of us would owe $61,343. That even includes children.
On top of that add an economy so artificially inflated it?s in danger of collapsing under its own weight, record-setting volatility in overseas markets, a growing number of terrorist threats, and perhaps the biggest menace of all, China trying to take our spot as the world's leading currency. Terrorism is not just Islamic, it is hate groups, black and white nationalists, gangs, narco traffickers, drug dealers (that are unregulated), organized crime families and ethnic groups and pimps. China is important to us, because any disconnections with them would cause a interruption in the global commerce supply chain.  
Remember when you lost your retirement because of the real estate bubble we created, Well, Trump comes from that neck of the woods, you know "flip that house" con artist. False preachers preying on the disadvantaged, elderly and gullible. Fake TV wrestling, protesting globalization, when you own a Toyota pickup truck, shop at might be a globalist!

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