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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Trump, Populism NAFTA, TPP, the Populist Fad, Short Lived

Trump is on a downward spiral. Brexit does not have a majority support like it use to. The populist parties have lost in France, Netherlands, Austria and in Italy. Nationalism is being short lived around the world and it did not take long for the young people to realize that the nationalist wanted to take them back to the 30's and 40's. This is Trump's agenda to.

NAFTA is being renegotiated, we pulled out of the TPP and the dollar is sinking low in which explains the high stock market index which really does not reflect the true market because of the cheap dollar.

When will we learn that globalization is here to stay and benefits everyone with low inflation, pulling people around the world out of poverty. Happy people don't want wars and conflict. It is the world economy stupid. The minority of 30% in the US, that are evangelical, rural, nationalistic, non changing in the United States have lost the trend set, and a short trend at that. Hope you enjoyed your ride. Charlottesville was the last straw.

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