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Saturday, June 30, 2018

All Wars Are Bankers' Wars

Only the Lonely's Hearts Break

Women's Rights Throughout History, Why are Women Treated So Badly, A World Being Run By Men, Old Traditions and Religions, Women Are Important to a Global Economy, Spread Democracy

Throughout history, women all over the world have faced, and largely taken: oppression, abuse, violence, and gender-based discrimination. Many may believe that because women in the United States can vote, and have been granted many of the same rights as men, rights are no longer an issue. Yet within modern western civilization, there are still prevalent issues that women are faced with daily. Women of the world suffer. They have become a commodity and a symbol of weakness. Women do not receive equal treatment to men, even within a modern western society. This needs to stop.

Why are women treated so badly? When they are the bearers of our humanity in raising children. The repopulates of the world. Most come from traditional doctrine of religions, most from outdated traditional policies in county's culture that do not or need to be converted into democracies. it is also found, that in countries, where women have rights and are treated as equal, the economies are robust better than those who do not.

In a world being run by men, we have a long way to go. Islam is the worst offender in the treatment of women and it is when religion becomes the basis for governments, such as the Trump Administration is trying to reestablish with the evangelical lobby within the White House, women's rights will be reversed to keep them down to a level of control, as to reverse the Roe vs, Wade decision of 1973, oddly, under a Republican president, Nixon.

We must strive in our route to a globalized world, fight and do everything to enhance their freedoms and right to self-expression, so all world economies in the world will benefit. Education is a key to this, a free education, making public schools, public colleges also by grades 1-16, with the last four years being optional to the student after the 12th grade. After that vocational lifelong learning for all, in the sense of job changes in modern societies to adaptation. Women need to have free daycare, either by the corporation or company they work for as a benefit, or daycare so they can work.

Global Oppression of Women - Sheryl Wu Dunn - TED Talks

Womens Rights Current Global Issues Video Presentation

Womens Rights Current Global Issues Video Presentation

At 11 years old, they're getting pregnant': the women smashing Catholic ...

Paul Ryan Admits That He’s Launching A War On The Poor In 2018

Trump's 14 Characteristics of Fascism

Trump's 14 Characteristics of Fascism

Who's Making Money Off The War On Drugs?

The Globalization of War (and How to Resist It) - Michel Chossudovsky on...

The Globalization of War (and How to Resist It) - Michel Chossudovsky on...

Afghanistan & George Grundy

Friday, June 29, 2018

US training Syria militants for false flag chemical attack as basis for ...

US wars destroying the world – Jesse Ventura

Tucker debate: Trump's immigration plan a white supremacist plot?

Tucker debate: Trump's immigration plan a white supremacist plot?

Racist History of Illegal Immigration | Racist America History

House rejects compromise immigration bill

House rejects compromise immigration bill

Who is Jarrod Ramos? What we know about the Capital Gazette shooter

5 killed, several injured in Maryland newsroom shooting: Police

Journalist Who Exposed CIA Fake Stories Found Dead

List of Parallels - Trump's America vs. Hitler's Germany

Melissa Manchester - Just You and I

From A Jack To A Queen - Ned Miller

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

the drifters - up on the roof

Inspiral Carpets - Saturn 5

Why We Are All Addicts

Emerging debt: Why a stronger dollar troubles developing countries | Cou...

The Drug War Is Pushing More Migrants To Our Borders | Zerohedge

Forced Religious Beliefs Upon Civilizations and Government, Repeating History of Religious Fanaticism and Prohibition

Personnal freedoms in the US should not be interfered with. All Americans should have the right to vote. I don't like my freedoms stomped on. It seems in this country now that the religious right is trying to institute religion into the government, which was never meant to be. I remember growing up, being drug to tent meetings for four-hour sessions. My father said, if you live under my roof, you will go to church, so I joined the army. My wife being taken from me by a guy that went to her church, you'd figure a bar. I embrace my freedom to believe in what I want and why belong to any more old institution dogma when you have the Internet and social media. Never before, have humans had the freedom of free abundant free flow of knowledge and access to so many areas to find themselves in the world. Nationalist right people want to preserve the USA as a cult or fortress, isolating Americans from change. Not me. They are afraid of immigration, for they see it interferes with their agenda in reestablishing their prohibitionist brainwashing evangelical agenda, in which from 1919-33, drove us into a depression and a world war. We are refighting the battle for Babylon that is freedom and access to all information and freedom to express ourselves in any way you or I want. I do not need to be holy or obedient to no institution. This is my journey, and to think of the bondage I as one and many others are held into, yearning to breathe and open their minds to abundant knowledge and a free world, free markets, consumer-driven markets and freedom of personal liberties in which the Constitution and Bill of Rights preserved. No beliefs or monopolized system should be forced upon any civilization. The bad taste of living this life is still in my mouth.

Immigration Panel - What About Open Borders?

It’s A Human Right! Mexican Presidential Candidate Threatens to Flood Th...

10 Most Likely Future Wars

5 Horrifying Future Wars We Will Live To See!

Top 20 Healing Herbs for Women and Men

Best Herbs for Energy, Using Natural Herbal Stimulants

The Future G7 and G20 Countries in 2050, Real According to Economies by Scale (GDP)

G7 (Real) 2050 According to future GDP


G20 (Real) 2050 According to future GDP

Saudi Arabia

The Real G7, G20 Disillusion, Groups Based on Economies of Scale Rather Than What We Are Told

G7 (Real) 2018


G20 (Real) 2018

Saudi Arabia

List of Countries by Projected GDP 2018 -

List of Countries by Projected GDP 2018 -

The World Will Never End, The World Lobbies Are a Business, Globalism Comes in Many Forms, Nationalism Destruction, Investment in Human Capital and Not the Destruction Of

The world will only end because of nuclear consequences. But war is a business, US and Russia most likely is taking the world for a ride in controlling oil and gas prices and weapons sales, they both need each other for the money making flow. Globalization is an economic system that has been around for centuries and will continue to do so. It is not the New World order it is the type of New World Order, Christian, Muslim, Nazi, Imperial, Communist, Socialist, etc. What I advocate is free trade unregulated, worldwide consumer driven with personnel liberty, to where the consumers of the world control the tempo of supply and demand. Systems are the same, which are only hampered by religious fanaticism, monopolized political systems, dictators (in which America props up down through history), big banks, military complex, big pharmacy, and oil. Population and immigration is needed for sustained population growth and support and promotes human capital. We with nationalism is a sense of jealousy, which in turn in the Bible as a sin, over ethnic groups and greed in higher prices, which lead to inflation and higher interest rates, is ending the US empire as we no it. If we spent more time investing in propping up human capital, investing in education, infrastructure, health for all, and letting the people invest in their work places. (401K, profit sharing or stock investment in the company would be better. Instead we invest in the war lobby, the religious lobby with is prohibitions on freedoms, military complex lobby, the oil lobby, the big pharmacy lobby, the proxy wars that destroy all of this. The world will never end for the love of money, the ability to lobby for it, conning the world's population, backs are rubbing out and rubbing each other for it has always been about the money, the world is a business, and if not we are living in a fantasy world.

How Trump Is Mishandling the Opioid Crisis: The Daily Show

Fareed: Trump’s only possible Iran strategy is a fantasy

Trump Preparing To Launch “Regime Change” Plan In Iran

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

8 Organizations or Groups Who Make Money Off of Prohibition, Drug War and Human Trafficking

1. The world organized crime cartels
2. Law Inc (lawyers, private prisons, police state, etc)
3. Street gangs, mostly ethnic in identity
4. Hardline anti-crime politicians
5. Prison construction companies
6. Terrorist organizations
7. Terrorism Inc (military complex, arms dealers)
8. Big Pharma

Judge Jim Gray on The Six Groups Who Benefit From Drug Prohibition

Drug cartels profit on human trafficking

World Black Markets, Weapons, Human Trafficking, Gangs Around the World, Cartels, Profits, 1919-33, Legalize Prostitution, Legalize Drugs, Regulate and Tax

This is the only way to truly solve the issues we face as a result of the cartel's black market activities, gang crime, weapon and human trafficking. The issue has never been immigrants, it has always been criminals and the cartel. Criminals are a problem from anywhere though and with proper procedures in place we can catch them like any other bad apples and with the right laws we can destroy their black market profits and make them our own to support our citizens.

Cartels, the black market created by prohibition, traditionalist, and the evangelicals. A repeat of what is happening now, we had in the years of 1919-33. Gangs are the reason these families are leaving in their country, and most are couriers and the drug dealing armies that the Mexican Cartel is helping to serve their bidding. Even the trafficking of these young people is part of the Cartel and gang money-making efforts. The issue is not the immigrant, the issue is the Drug War, the USA's appetite for the many different drugs that fuel the profit, even the war in Afghanistan. Yes and extremist Muslim Groups are fueled by this, I call it the wars in the Middle East for the Oil Cartel, these are their gangs.

If you were to legalize prostitution, prosecute the pimp, which should be outlawed, outlaw gangs or cults, most ethnic, making them nationalist, but profit and money know no borders or color, nor religion. Regulate the legalization of these sectors, tax them, you would take the profit out of it. Look at prohibition of the years 1919-33, Gangs, depression, fascism, religious fanaticism and a world war is what it got us. When we separate ourselves, citizens of the world, without uniting together to solve problems, it works. Talkback then of pulling out of the League of Nations by the US and now we are withdrawing ourselves from the UN. We will learn again, this time with nukes. Free your mind, don't be programmed by others.

What Does the Bible Say About Immigration?

Jeff Sessions Cites The Bible In Separating Children From Parents

‘Muslims are biggest victims’: ISIS' online recruiting success story

People Try To Put Us Down, Talking About My Gerneration

Johnny Mathis - What will my Mary Say

John Kongos - He's Gonna Step On You Again

Carly Simon - You're So Vain

Caller - Give Reagan and Bush Their Due Credit

The REAL reason for Europe's influx of migrants!!! WikiLeaks founder

The Chiffons - sweet talking guy

Monday, June 25, 2018

Globalization: Why Everything is Made in China in 5 Minutes

Caller: There's Only One Right Christianity

Mary Take The Child The River I Rising, Muddy Water Taking All I Know

Fall of Empire, End to Wars: Johan Galtung Predictions

How Germany's Free Healthcare and College works...

Hey Mr Tambourine Man Play A Song For Me


Hot Chip - Night & Day (Official Video)

Big Wheel Rolling, Got to Keep Them Going, Big Wheels Rolling Moving On

Pink Floyd - Time - Live at Earls Court, London

Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) - The Cleverlys

Religious Control

Religious Control

The Most Successful People Explain Why a College Degree is USELESS

How easy is it to shift from indoctrinated thought to independent thought?

Peter (Capitalism) Schiff vs Diana (Socialism) Carew Debate Student Loan...

Obama on why income inequality has skyrocketed

Kenny Chesney - Out Last Night

Farmers, workers fearful of Trump immigration crackdown

Trump calls for stripping due process for undocumented immigrants

Caller: Thom, Why Are American Cities So Bad??

Libertarian Caller On Greece and US Debt

Racism In Republican Campaigns Is - And Has Been - Intentional!

Charles Koch: No Minimum Wage will Help the Poor

I'm Just Me

I think money matters, don't tread on my freedoms,  I can be mysterious, regenerate quickly, radiate worth and being happy, excitement, visionary, no boredom,  the past you learn from and use it as a reference for the now and future. don't like being bogged down by others, realistic, practical, its all about the mind, very shrewd, communication is important, deep thinker, big heart, listener, nature, current events, sky's the limit, love music, karaoke  I feel my way around, I give it my all, I stand my ground, respect, beliefs are practical, diplomatic, set my own standards, it's my journey,  express myself when needed, desires are important, passionate, I let my conscience be my guide, can adapt quickly,  backup plans to backup plans, look ahead, look behind to see who's behind you, understanding, take charge, good natured, good cheer, like parties, Internet guidances over human guidance, independent, prideful, a listener, self-confident, self-motivator, leadership ability, strong-willed, not swayed too easy, positive, success is important, don't stick to something to long, research the answer before going forward, youthful appearance, sense of humor, never run out of ideas, quick to put others to ease, refined, gentle, strong-willed and away. Do not like control freaks, religious fanatics, cons, users, or money grubbers.

Elvis Presley - Puppet On A String (New Edit)

Move It On Over, Scratch It On Over

Bobby Vee - The Night Has A Thousand Eyes (1962)

Paul & Paula Hey Paula

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Exclusive Look inside an Illegal Alien Child Detention Center in Texas

We Found Reagan's Welfare Queen!

Ronald Reagan Killed the American Dream

Chinese hackers access U.S. Navy data from contractor

Melania Trump Explains Her 'Einstein Visa'

Sent From Down Below, Mother In Law

I'm Just Me, About Me, Gary Finneyfrock, Journey in Life Make You What You Are

I'm Just Me, Your Journey Through Life, Makes You Who You Are, So Just Be You and Not a Follower

My work experiences. Message processing-delivery, nuclear biological chemical safety, telecommunications center operation, administrative clerk, communications security custodian, army recruitment, ammunition and firearms storage, training coordinator, hardware and discount merchandising, data processing librarian, warehouse distribution (electronic parts, retail, food, plumbing, beverages), hospital security and ER, cleaner, courier, mortgage post closer. Single retired from the army and social security. I am 57 and Married 2x, New Age Thought, Global Liberal Libertarian, Progressive, Green Socialist, support Kaine and Sanders for president in 2020. Want to spend more time enhancing my retirements. Like to travel, Internet, reading, keeping up with world news, investing, eating out, like meeting people from different cultures. Freethinker, free-spirited. like music, karaoke, economics and social trends in the world. Nutrition, and herbs, geopolitics. My music likes are rock, pop, country, bluegrass, smooth jazz, funk, disco, folk, soft rock, southern rock, classic rock. Libra and born under the sign of the rat. Born on John Lennon's birthday and born the year Kennedy was elected.  Military Training: Nuclear Biological Chemical Safety and Training, Telecommunications Center Operations, Communications Terminology, Primary Leadership Development, German Culture, Korean Culture, Italian Culture, Principals of Counseling, Training Management, Communications Security Hardware and Software Storage, Alcohol and Drug Coordination Testing and Counseling, Publications Clerk Course, Basic Leadership Course, Advanced Leadership Course, Small Arms Maintenance and Storage. College: English , Speech , History, Psychology, Technical Math, College Orientation, Physical Conditioning, Personnel Management, Physical Education, Intro to Management, Sales Techniques, Accounting 1, Accounting 2, Korean Grammar and Writing, Management Problems, Training Management, Records Management, Supervision, Data Processing, Office Management, Law Enforcement, Sociology, Economics. I think money matters, don't tread on my freedoms, I can be mysterious, regenerate quickly, radiate worth and being happy, excitement, visionary, no boredom, the past you learn from and use it as a reference for the now and future. don't like being bogged down by others, realistic, practical, its all about the mind, very shrewd, communication is important, deep thinker, big heart, listener, nature, current events, sky's the limit, love music, karaoke I feel my way around, I give it my all, I stand my ground, respect, beliefs are practical, diplomatic, set my own standards, it's my journey, express myself when needed, desires are important, passionate, I let my conscience be my guide, can adapt quickly, backup plans to backup plans, look ahead, look behind to see who's behind you, understanding, take charge, good natured, good cheer, like parties, Internet guidance over human guidance, independent, prideful, a listener, self-confident, self-motivator, leadership ability, strong-willed, not swayed too easy, positive, success is important, don't stick to something to long, research the answer before going forward, youthful appearance, sense of humor, never run out of ideas, quick to put others to ease, refined, gentle, strong-willed and away. Do not like control freaks, religious fanatics, cons, users, or money grubbers. Political Beliefs: Globalist, free globalized market, consumer-driven, open borders but regulated, pro-immigration, multicultural, progressive, environmental, global democratic socialism, support Tim Kaine or Bernie Sanders for president. Religious Beliefs: New Age, self-spiritual, Theological, spiritual channeling, alternative medicines, and herbs. Universal in religious thought and respect for them unless forced upon people or treated as a business by others. 

Follow the Money on the Immigration Problem, Many Players Are Involved, Everything is a Business

The immigration problem has many camps that are making money and lobbying for it. Why do we have to let them in? Just escort them back without prosecution. Stop them at the border and 360 their bodies back to Mexico. Here is what it really is. Mexican cartels need these immigrants to sell their drugs, young kids for the gangs, sex trafficking. Money on the democratic side. The Republicans, mainly the EVILangelicals, want to indoctrinate these young into followers to fill the church coffers. Follow the money. There is also the Catholic Church, the company owners wanting cheap labor, the farmer needs the cheap labor, the pimp on the street. This is just an idea, but Mexico and the USA should be in coalition in solving this problem. But Mexico does not want them and either does the USA and in reality, they are refugees. America on one part is to blame for fueling the prohibitionist religious right black market which creates and sustains gangs, traffickers. Either way in these scenarios, someone is making money and politicians are siding with whoever feeds there coffer and agendas, business puppets, follow the money. 

Turkish President declares victory in referendum

Queen - The Show Must Go On - (Lyrics/ Subtitulado Español)

I Dont want to Spoil the Party - Saltwater Roses - Beatles Cover

Sin According to a Majority but Monopolized by the Prohibitionist Religions, Whose Making the Money

If everything was legal and regulated, even church for taxes, which they are tax free in America, and people were given back their personal liberties and the right to vote for crimes that should not be felonies and given the right to vote, well then, it would be a whole lot better free world and more competitive, not monopolized by prohibitionist. Free thought, free spirit, free market, free your mind and the rest will follow.

Our freedoms and counterculture ability were taken away when Nixon was elected and the War on Drugs began. There was less violence back then and profiteering black markets did not exist, someone is making money! Who?

Law Inc
Private Prisons
Mexican Cartel
Ethnic Gangs
Churches (tax-free)
Military Complex
Big Pharma
Big Oil

Pink Floyd - Learning To Fly (Official Video With Lyrics)

Saturday, June 23, 2018

What a Drag It Is Getting Old, Mother's Little Helper

The cookies - Don't say nothing bad about my baby

Broder Daniel Shoreline Live at Luuk

What gives a dollar bill its value? - Doug Levinson

Why Conservatives Want To Ditch Minimum Wage

Caller: Increasing Minimum Wage will Bring Inflation

Top Coal Reserves in the World by Country %

Top Coal Reserves in the World By Country %

1 .USA                       27%
2. Russia                    17%
3. China                     13%
4. India                      10%
5. Australia                 9%
6. South Africa           5%
7. Ukraine                   4%
8. Kazakhstan             3%
9. Poland                     2%
10. Brazil                     1%

Top 10 Food Producing Countries In The World

Why Hemp Matters | Kind of a Wonder Crop

Caller: The Media Skews Everything Left!

The Trashmen - Surfin Bird - Bird is the Word 1963 (RE-MASTERED) (ALT En...

The Trashmen - Surfin Bird - Bird is the Word 1963 (RE-MASTERED) (ALT En...

Long Distance, Give Me Memphis Tennessee

Johnny Cash - Ring Of Fire with LYRICS HD

Zoot Woman - Grey Day

There Ought to Be a Man in Black Up Front

Trump's Military Space Initiative

President Trump’s brain genius decision in March to create the Space Force, the first new branch of the U.S. military in over seven decades, did not go over well with the top generals and admirals in the Pentagon who are in the midst of making cuts and consolidating the monstrously bloated and oversaturated military to make it more efficient. But it can still be established and NASA can be a part of it. Its missions would be to maintain would be to maintain military satellites, reinitiate strategic defense intercept capabilities of nuclear re-entry attacks. Beyond that, it would be needed later in the future. A pioneering feat. Frustrated that his absurd idea wasn’t taken seriously, Trump went ahead and issued a space policy directive anyway during the third National Space Council meeting four days ago, blindsiding both the military officials as well as aerospace industry executives and Congress.

The Pentagon just shot down Trump’s dumbest idea yet, and his reaction i...

Doris Troy - Just One Look

I Am A Sustainable Free Trade Globalist!

Caller: I Disagree With Your Definition of a Capitalist


Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh (Camp Granada Song), Allan Sherman, 1963


Religion, Question Authority, Never Become Fanatical About Nothing, When the World Will Live as One

Scare tactics sell and work in programming individuals through fear. Constant brainwashing and isolation from alternatives, that might be better keep the masses feeding the coffers of a non taxed based that compete with other addictions in which people have when they become fanatic or extreme about something, Never become fanatical about nothing.

Religion is an addiction or a fix. Like drugs, alcohol, bars, sex, obsession with conspiracy theories, gang affiliations, listening to only one type of music, nationalizing oneself to isolate from change to one's environment, etc,

Diversify your mind with logic, reason, research, question others that blurt out bullet statement or insults to make up for their shortcomings, never become fanatical about nothing, explore in your life's journey, free your mind, walk in someones shoes to understand their sufferings. Life is one big lesson, an enlightenment that you in your journey will teach others. Flow with life, for their is a reason you are here, and not only in your world, you are just a part. I hope one day you will join us, when a free market is driven by you, the consumer, open borders, individual liberties that will prevail, when the world will live as one.

Cotton Vs. Hemp (2007)

The Obscure History of the Racist Code Words Republicans are Using and H...

We Reimagined Trump’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ as a 1940s Propaganda Film | NYT ...

Weezer - Perfect Situation

Luther Played the Boogie Woogie 2

Lesley Gore - It's Judy's Turn To Cry.

Stevie Wonder Overjoyed 1986

Friday, June 22, 2018

Commodores - Slippery When Wet

Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport - sang by Rolf Harris

Waxahatchee - Air (Official Audio)

Fools Rush In // Ricky Nelson (1963)

Fools Rush In // Ricky Nelson (1963)

10 Suppressed Inventions That Could Have Changed The World

Thom Hartmann Schools 'Anarcho'-Capitalist

Joseph Stiglitz Discusses 'Nightmare' Donald Trump | CNBC

L7 - Pretend We're Dead (Official Video)

Restaurant fights back against American tariffs, takes U.S. products off...

HEART - Barracuda (1977)

You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me Lucille with 4 Hungry Childdren and a Crop in hte Fields

Nightcore - You Don't Know (Lyrics)

NEW * Washington Square The Village Stompers {Stereo}

Elvis Costello - Alison

Redskins - Bring It Down

Dion - Donna The Prima Donna

Representative Ted Lieu Plays Audio On House Floor Of Crying Immigrant C...

Kendrick Lamar - Untitled 8

How Karen McDougal Began Her Alleged Affair With President Trump

Tree of Knowledge, Tree of Life, What It Really Means by Religious Controls

Tree of Knowledge vs Tree of Life, What It Really Means by Religious Controls

There is the Tree of Knowledge (Having access to information and learning without censorship) and the Tree of Life (The way you are to conform to a philosophy, kiss ass, political monopoly, tribalism mentality, religious belief, propaganda and information only for the elites to control the masses. The first things that a nationalist socialist fascist governments do is sensor information, the press, media, in today's case the internet, social media and put in place a propaganda programming machine called their Tree of Life. Now I know why slaves in the US were not allowed to read. Information is power. The 2nd things they do is to shut down freelance journalism and purge the intellectuals.

The Long History of People Who Didn't Care When they Should Have

Dobie Gray - Drift Away (Original Official Video)

Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah (Original)

Mac Band Featuring The McCampbell Brothers - Roses Are Red

Chris Montez - Let's Dance (1962)

Four Nobel laureates ponder the good and the bad of globalization

Diane Renay - 1964 TV Appearance - "Kiss Me Sailor"

Louie Louie I Got To Go

Nat King Cole - That Sunday, That Summer

Nat King Cole - That Sunday, That Summer

Shelley Fabares - Johnny Angel HQ (1962)

World Percentage of World's Uranium Reserves by Country

World's Biggest Uranium Reserves in the World by Percentage

1. Australia                             25%
2. Kazakhstan                         13%
3. Canada                                10%
4. Namibia                                6%
5. Niger                                     6%
6. South Africa                         6%
7. Russia                                   5%
8. Brazil                                    4%
9. China                                    4%
10. Greenland                           4%
11. Ukraine                               4%
12. Czech Rep                          3%
13. India                                   3%
14. Mongolia                            3%
15. USA                                    3%
16. Uzbekistan                          3%

Regional Reserves

1. Australia                             25%
2. Central Asia                        19%
3. Africa                                  18%
4. North America                    14%
5. Europe                                  7%
6. Russia                                   5%
7. Latin America                      4%
8. South Asia                            3%

Countries with the World's Largest Gas Reserves (Percentage)

Countries with the Biggest Gas Reserves % of World's Gas Reserves

1. Russia                       21%
2. Iran                           16%
3. Qatar                         12%
4. USA                           5%
5. Saudi Arabia              4%
6. Turkmenistan             3%
7. UAE                           3%
8. Venezuela                   3%
9. Nigeria                       3%
10, Algeria                     2%
11. Australia                   2%
12. Iraq                           2%
13. Indonesia                  1%
14. Mozambique             1%
15. Azerbaijan                 1%
16. Kazakhstan                1%
17. Egypt                         1%

Regional Gas Reserves

Middle East                    37%
Russia/Central Asia        25%
Africa                               6%
Latin America                  3%
SE Asia                            3%
Australia                          1%

That Was Just A Dream, Losing My Religion

[Comeback Stage] BLACKPINK - FOREVER YOUNG , 블랙핑크 - FOREVER YOUNG Show...

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Trump and the Nationalist Lost on Immigration Policy, Legalize the Drugs, Open the Border, These Are Gang Refugees, Take the Profit Out of the Mexican Cartels, Nationalism is a Poison to a World Society

Trump caved in on the immigration policy that was cruel in a sense. It sure was not Christan. Nationalism is a harsh cruelty upon foreigners that should not exist in no world. The Mexican border is a cross over for drugs. A wall and further strict immigration enforcement will only cause shortages of drugs coming into the country creating a more profitable black market and as far as the drug war policy goes. Money will be made no matter what and prohibitionist create this environment. Is not it funny they do this with oil, the military complex and its competition of Islam. It is all a racket.

The answer is legalizing drugs, which would get rid of the Mexican cartels and the gangs coming across the border decreasing their profits. Government has a lot to gain by legalizing drugs through regulation and taxation. But this goes against the grain for Law Inc, private prison industry, and big pharma.

Most of these families are leaving the their gang infested countries to become better people, instead of what, if they stayed in their country would be forced to become. Remember, America feeds this drug profiteering and gangs coming across the border, when we are one of the biggest drug users in the world. Open borders, personal liberties to enjoy life and legalize the drug and reduce the violence. 

Immigration has become an issue that motivates a large group of Americans passionately, perhaps like no other. Some of this might be rooted in racism. But it also represents a kind of heightened nationalism. In an era of rampant globalization, people want to believe that they still maintain some sense of stability and control. 

Nationalism has been around for centuries, but it is now, in a sense, the last doctrine standing. The great story of the 20th century was the loss of faith. Between the ascendants of science, socialism and secularism, people lost their trust in the dogmas, prohibition, compassion and duties of religion. But this didn't change the reality that they wanted something they could believe in, something with which they could have a deep, emotional bond. 

Nationalism has increasingly become that substitute for many on the right, being endowed with a strong and almost mystical attachment. For many on the left, by contrast, nationalism is more of an irrational affinity for a group of people with whom one shares an arbitrary border. 

Immigration has become the litmus test of nationalism, perhaps because other sources have faded or become politically unmentionable. There was a time when nationalism was deeply intertwined in many corners of the globe with religion or ethnicity and now it is rearing it's ugly head again, polluting young minds, repeatment of the 1919-45 period in history, not learning our lessons of the Great Depression and 2 world wars, each getting worse, when will we learn. When will we learn that in this world we are all connected one way or the other. But as Western societies became more diverse, and as minority groups within them asserted their own identities, it became more difficult to define nationalism by those older ingredients.  

Immigration is a fix for any country experiencing a labor shortage (which increases inflation rates and interest rates), and is a short term fix for the future of elderly care and maintaining the social safety net in any country.

We are all immigrant one way and the other and many mixed in European routes. All a part of history in playing roles in America's buildings and its ideas. Traditionalist do not like change, because they do not have the intellect to adapt to different human beings in ways, customs and colors. But sadly this being driven by religious differences.

Countries with the Biggest Oil Reserves % of the World's Oil Reserves

Biggest Oil Reserves (Percentage of ) World's Oil Reserves and by Region
1. Venzueala                     18%
2. Saudi Arabia                 16%
3. Canada                          10%
4. Iran                                 9%
5. Iraq                                 8%
6. Kuwait                            6%
7. UAE                               6%
8. Russia                             5%
9. Libya                              4%
10. USA                              3%
11. Nigeria                          3%
12. Kazakhstan                   2%
13. China                            2%
14. Qatar                             2%
15. Brazil                            1%
16. Angola                          1%
17. Ecuador                         1%
18. Mexico                          1%

By Region

Middle East                        47%
Latin America                     21%
North America                    13%
Russia                                   5%
Africa                                   8%
Central Asia                         2%

Global Oil Markets and the Geopolitics of the Middle East: Where Next?

By And By - The Soul Stirrers Featuring R.H. Harris

Queen - Flash (Official Video)

Young Jeezy - Trap Star/Go Crazy

Young Jeezy - Trap Star/Go Crazy

Billy Dont Be A Hero

Cannabis beer coming to Canada

Industrial Hemp Solutions

Tyrese - Nobody Else (Video)

Nelly Furtado - In God's Hands

What is it Going to Take for Us to Stop the Rise of Fascism in America?

Is Donald Trump the Cause or Symptom of the End of American Empire

Come Home, Lonely Teardrops, My Tears Will Never Dry

Globalization, Poverty, Trickle Down Economics, Lifelong Learning, Universal Healthcare, Vocational Training, Free College, Cost of War, Discount Stores and the Toyota, Nationalist, Prohibitionist, Greed

Globalism is about keeping prices down and bring many out of poverty around the world. It is true, trickle-down economics is not working, but not because it is not working, it does not work for their is lots of greed at the top of our corporations. It is not the system that needs to change, it is the greed and hypocritical self-centered at the top pinching their pennies for a bottom line on the backs of the world's workers. Hard work and profits of a company should be shared fairly, when this happens, people become more productive through profit sharing, 401ks, and benefits that come from the profits of a company.

We have a lot more in than our grandparents and parents had. If you compare the material wealth compared to those days. College should be free and an investment from the corporations and governments if which they should invest in the young and retraining of their workers. Health care should be universal in a civilization, for you are maintaining a human capital. Lifelong learning should be part of your benefits packages for all with government and corporations and companies supplying the funding. Vocational training should be brought back into companies, governments, military and to those who need to retrain to meet the market demand and outdated processes that do exist no more. 

Without globalization, there would not be low inflation, low interest rates. The only way to bring back jobs to America or any other country for that matter would be to bring the dollar down so people from afar would buy. You live good, have your Walmarts, your Dollar Trees, your Target, your Kmarts, your Toyota, because of a high dollar. It had nothing to do with some immigrant taking your job, some American company moving its operation overseas, or anything else. If you shop at Walmart for the prices and buy a cheap car or own a Toyota, hell, you might be global!

The nationalist, evangelical, prohibitionist, isolationist, protectionist noise around the world will be learned the hard way, with the high inflation, which is already starting to happen, the high-interest rate will kick in soon, the trade war, and God forbid, another oil embargo. 

The money with what we spend in war, having a police state, a drug war, we could have spent this money on the social investments and could have saved a whole array of problems. Greed at the top, but there is also jealousy of the greed at the bottom too. Not wanting immigration will be a big mistake in the long run, but we have become hardened with change, so let it kick in. My dad always said we are needing a depression and another world war to bring humanity back into balance. Live and learn friends. 

Not Ready To Make Nice~Dixie Chicks (Lyrics)

Joseph E. Stiglitz on Globalization And Its Discontents Revisited

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

This Is For All the Lonely People, Thinking That Life Has Passed Them By

R. Kelly, Public Announcement - Slow Dance (Hey Mr. DJ)

Sam Cooke-Another saturday night

Neil Sedaka - Laughter in the rain

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Albert Hammond - It Never Rains In Southern California (1973) HD 0815007

Herb Alpert - Rotation

Little Sister Don't You Do What Your Big Sister Done

NEW * Painted, Tainted Rose Al Martino {Stereo}

Ray Stevens - The Streak

The Dixie Cups - Iko Iko - 1965

Tavares - Whodunit (1977)

How Does It Feel, To Be On Your Own, With No Direction Home, Like a Complete Unknown, Like A Rolling Stone

The Marvelettes - Beechwood 4-5789

Go Away Little Girl-Steve Lawrence

Bobby Vee Run to Him American Bandstand 1965

Let's Spend the Night Together, Now I Need You More Than Ever

Metro Areas in the USA That Have the Most Legal and Illegal Immigrants Combined

1. New York (Hispanic 28%, Asian 19%)                   47%             9%
2. San Francisco (Asian 34%, Hispanic 16%)             50%            18%
3. Chicago (Hispanic 30%, Asian 6%)                        36%            24%
4. Los Angeles (48% Hispanic, Asian 12%)               60%            36%
5. San Jose (Hispanic 34%, Asian 33%)                     67%              1%
6. Dallas-Ft Worth (Hispanic 28%, Asian 11%)         39%             17%
7. Washington DC (Hispanic 30%, Asian 6%)           36%             24%
8. Baltimore (Hispanic 6%, Asian 4%)                       10%              2%
9. Seattle (Asian 14%, Hispanic 7%)                          21%              7%
10. San Diego (Hispanic 32%, Asian 11%)                43%              21%
11. Riverside (50% Hispanic, 8%)                              58%              42%
12. Boston (Hispanic 23%, Asian 10%)                      33%             13%
13. Miami (70% Hispanic, Asian 2%)                         72%             68%
14. San Bernadino (Hispanic 60%, Asian 4%)            64%             56%
15. Milwaukee (Hispanic 18%, Asian 4%)                  22%             12%

The right side is the combined immigrant populations and to the next right is a diversity score, a mix of Hispanic and Asian cultures. 

Digital transformation: are you ready for exponential change? Futurist G...

China promotes globalisation and free trade at new Silk Road summit

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders sound alike on trade

Everything is Connected -- Here's How: | Tom Chi | TEDxTaipei

Noam Chomsky Interview on Cultural Hegemony

The Right Loyalty and Programmed Patriotic Nationalistic Loyalty

It is one thing to be free and loyal because it is right and you care, but another to be loyal to greed, beating down the poor, which in turn caused revolutions, communism and in time destruction of a nation or civil war. Then to be loyal to being programmed and denying reality with conspiracy, smoke, and mirrors with the public. To be loyal to someone, who respect despots, than countries that respect human right no matter what the color. Who is isolating our country as Hitler did with Nazi Germany? You see, in the end, people prevail, revolution prevails, markets of supply and demand prevail, globalization has been here and always will, this is just a societal tantrum to a leader who is not grown up. Enjoy the party, the hangover will be in the morning of change, 2019. 

Sherwin Bryce-Pease on the UN Human Rights Council special meeting

Anti-Globalization in the Era of Trump: Joseph Stiglitz on Shared Prospe...

Tavares performs It Only Takes A Minute on Soul Train 1975 YouTube

Taking Back Sunday - MakeDamnSure

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Let It Be Me, Don't Ever Leave Me Lonely

Ray Charles - Take These Chains From My Heart

Motorhead & Girlschool - Please Don't Touch

Eve To Adam-Shut Out The World Lyrics

"My Baby Loves me" Martha & the Vandellas Four Tops...My Extended Version!

What Would Happen if ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS were REMOVED from America

The Hispanic child migrants desperate to reach America

"ISN'T THIS CHILD ABUSE?!" Kirstjen Nielsen GOES DOWN IN FLAMES Defendin...

"THIS IS AMERICA!!!" Congressman GETS PISSED OFF & DESTROYS Trump's Inhu...

The Christo Fascist Agenda: In Their Own Words

The Biggest Gang Infested Cities In America - Dangerous Gangs In America

Are Humans More Valuable Than Animals?

This is Why, Central American refugees flee violence

These Children Too, War-torn Childhood: Heartbreaking images of children suffering that didn...

These Children Too, Poor children around the world

These Children Too, Child Homelessness in America - Darkest Before The Dawn

These Children TooHeart Touching Children In Syrian Civil War: Share If You Care

Monday, June 18, 2018

One Step Closer To You [Extended Club Mix] - Gavin Christopher

Alcohol Consumption Linked to Alzheimer's in Two Recent Large Studies

Less Just Kiss and Say Goodbye

Sunny & The Sunliners - Talk To Me


Vitamin B17 Kills Cancer!

War on terror reconsidered | reTHINK TANK

You've Got to, Kiss An Angel Good Morning

NEW * Come And Get These Memories Martha & The Vandellas {Stereo}

Sammy Johns - Chevy Van {HD}

Rush ~ Force Ten ~ Hold Your Fire [1987]

Fertility and Economic Growth Around the World: A PRB ENGAGE Snapshot

Trump suggests he'll end federal ban on marijuana

Immigrant Families Separated: Ryan Calls For Law Change, Pelosi labels p...

Breaking News - Shia cleric's bloc wins Iraq elections

World Religious Growth 2018-2050 and Percentage of the Populations

World Religion Growth 2018-2050 and Percentage of the Populations

Christians (Including Catholic)                         2.9 billion           +0.8 billion              32%
Muslims                                                             2.7 billion           +1.2 billion              30%
Hindu                                                                 1.3 billion           +1.3 billion              15%
Unaffiliated                                                        1.2 billion           +0.1 billion              13%
Buddhist                                                             0.5 billion           -0.1 billion                5%
Folk Religions                                                    0.4 billion           0.0 billion                 5%

Regional Growth 2018-2050 in Trillions and Percentage of World GDP

Regional Growth 2018-2050 in Trillions and Percentage of World GDP

NE Asia (China, Japan, Korea)                          $53 trillion  26%
South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh)          $42 trillion  21%
North America (USA, Canada, Mexico)            $33 trillion  17%
South East Asia                                                  $23 trillion   12%
European Union                                                 $17 trillion     8%
South America                                                   $11 trillion     6%
Middle East/Central Asia                                   $10 trillion    5%
Africa                                                                  $8 trillion      4%
Oceana/Australia                                                $2 trillion      1%                                       

Jim Croce - I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song

Jim Croce - I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song

GDP Growth 2018-2050 Per Country

GDP Growth By Country 2018-2050 in Trillions of $

1. China                    +45
2. India                      +36
3. USA                      +24
4. Indonesia              +10
5. Brazil                      +7
6. Mexico                   +7
7. Nigeria                   +6
8. Japan                      +4
9. Russia                    +4
10, Turkey                 +4
11. Egypt                   +4
12. Germany              +3
13. France                   +3
14. Pakistan                +3
15. Philippines            +3
16. Thailand               +3
17. Vietnam                +3
18. Bangladesh           +3
19. Malaysia               +3
20. Korea                    +2
21. Canada                  +2
22. Iran                       +2
23. Spain                    +2
24. South Africa         +2
25. Colombia              +2
26. Argentina              +2
27. Poland                   +2
28. Australia               +2
29. Italy                       +1
30. Netherlands           +1