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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Women's Rights Throughout History, Why are Women Treated So Badly, A World Being Run By Men, Old Traditions and Religions, Women Are Important to a Global Economy, Spread Democracy

Throughout history, women all over the world have faced, and largely taken: oppression, abuse, violence, and gender-based discrimination. Many may believe that because women in the United States can vote, and have been granted many of the same rights as men, rights are no longer an issue. Yet within modern western civilization, there are still prevalent issues that women are faced with daily. Women of the world suffer. They have become a commodity and a symbol of weakness. Women do not receive equal treatment to men, even within a modern western society. This needs to stop.

Why are women treated so badly? When they are the bearers of our humanity in raising children. The repopulates of the world. Most come from traditional doctrine of religions, most from outdated traditional policies in county's culture that do not or need to be converted into democracies. it is also found, that in countries, where women have rights and are treated as equal, the economies are robust better than those who do not.

In a world being run by men, we have a long way to go. Islam is the worst offender in the treatment of women and it is when religion becomes the basis for governments, such as the Trump Administration is trying to reestablish with the evangelical lobby within the White House, women's rights will be reversed to keep them down to a level of control, as to reverse the Roe vs, Wade decision of 1973, oddly, under a Republican president, Nixon.

We must strive in our route to a globalized world, fight and do everything to enhance their freedoms and right to self-expression, so all world economies in the world will benefit. Education is a key to this, a free education, making public schools, public colleges also by grades 1-16, with the last four years being optional to the student after the 12th grade. After that vocational lifelong learning for all, in the sense of job changes in modern societies to adaptation. Women need to have free daycare, either by the corporation or company they work for as a benefit, or daycare so they can work.

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