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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

World Black Markets, Weapons, Human Trafficking, Gangs Around the World, Cartels, Profits, 1919-33, Legalize Prostitution, Legalize Drugs, Regulate and Tax

This is the only way to truly solve the issues we face as a result of the cartel's black market activities, gang crime, weapon and human trafficking. The issue has never been immigrants, it has always been criminals and the cartel. Criminals are a problem from anywhere though and with proper procedures in place we can catch them like any other bad apples and with the right laws we can destroy their black market profits and make them our own to support our citizens.

Cartels, the black market created by prohibition, traditionalist, and the evangelicals. A repeat of what is happening now, we had in the years of 1919-33. Gangs are the reason these families are leaving in their country, and most are couriers and the drug dealing armies that the Mexican Cartel is helping to serve their bidding. Even the trafficking of these young people is part of the Cartel and gang money-making efforts. The issue is not the immigrant, the issue is the Drug War, the USA's appetite for the many different drugs that fuel the profit, even the war in Afghanistan. Yes and extremist Muslim Groups are fueled by this, I call it the wars in the Middle East for the Oil Cartel, these are their gangs.

If you were to legalize prostitution, prosecute the pimp, which should be outlawed, outlaw gangs or cults, most ethnic, making them nationalist, but profit and money know no borders or color, nor religion. Regulate the legalization of these sectors, tax them, you would take the profit out of it. Look at prohibition of the years 1919-33, Gangs, depression, fascism, religious fanaticism and a world war is what it got us. When we separate ourselves, citizens of the world, without uniting together to solve problems, it works. Talkback then of pulling out of the League of Nations by the US and now we are withdrawing ourselves from the UN. We will learn again, this time with nukes. Free your mind, don't be programmed by others.

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