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Saturday, June 23, 2018

Religion, Question Authority, Never Become Fanatical About Nothing, When the World Will Live as One

Scare tactics sell and work in programming individuals through fear. Constant brainwashing and isolation from alternatives, that might be better keep the masses feeding the coffers of a non taxed based that compete with other addictions in which people have when they become fanatic or extreme about something, Never become fanatical about nothing.

Religion is an addiction or a fix. Like drugs, alcohol, bars, sex, obsession with conspiracy theories, gang affiliations, listening to only one type of music, nationalizing oneself to isolate from change to one's environment, etc,

Diversify your mind with logic, reason, research, question others that blurt out bullet statement or insults to make up for their shortcomings, never become fanatical about nothing, explore in your life's journey, free your mind, walk in someones shoes to understand their sufferings. Life is one big lesson, an enlightenment that you in your journey will teach others. Flow with life, for their is a reason you are here, and not only in your world, you are just a part. I hope one day you will join us, when a free market is driven by you, the consumer, open borders, individual liberties that will prevail, when the world will live as one.

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