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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Follow the Money on the Immigration Problem, Many Players Are Involved, Everything is a Business

The immigration problem has many camps that are making money and lobbying for it. Why do we have to let them in? Just escort them back without prosecution. Stop them at the border and 360 their bodies back to Mexico. Here is what it really is. Mexican cartels need these immigrants to sell their drugs, young kids for the gangs, sex trafficking. Money on the democratic side. The Republicans, mainly the EVILangelicals, want to indoctrinate these young into followers to fill the church coffers. Follow the money. There is also the Catholic Church, the company owners wanting cheap labor, the farmer needs the cheap labor, the pimp on the street. This is just an idea, but Mexico and the USA should be in coalition in solving this problem. But Mexico does not want them and either does the USA and in reality, they are refugees. America on one part is to blame for fueling the prohibitionist religious right black market which creates and sustains gangs, traffickers. Either way in these scenarios, someone is making money and politicians are siding with whoever feeds there coffer and agendas, business puppets, follow the money. 

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