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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Forced Religious Beliefs Upon Civilizations and Government, Repeating History of Religious Fanaticism and Prohibition

Personnal freedoms in the US should not be interfered with. All Americans should have the right to vote. I don't like my freedoms stomped on. It seems in this country now that the religious right is trying to institute religion into the government, which was never meant to be. I remember growing up, being drug to tent meetings for four-hour sessions. My father said, if you live under my roof, you will go to church, so I joined the army. My wife being taken from me by a guy that went to her church, you'd figure a bar. I embrace my freedom to believe in what I want and why belong to any more old institution dogma when you have the Internet and social media. Never before, have humans had the freedom of free abundant free flow of knowledge and access to so many areas to find themselves in the world. Nationalist right people want to preserve the USA as a cult or fortress, isolating Americans from change. Not me. They are afraid of immigration, for they see it interferes with their agenda in reestablishing their prohibitionist brainwashing evangelical agenda, in which from 1919-33, drove us into a depression and a world war. We are refighting the battle for Babylon that is freedom and access to all information and freedom to express ourselves in any way you or I want. I do not need to be holy or obedient to no institution. This is my journey, and to think of the bondage I as one and many others are held into, yearning to breathe and open their minds to abundant knowledge and a free world, free markets, consumer-driven markets and freedom of personal liberties in which the Constitution and Bill of Rights preserved. No beliefs or monopolized system should be forced upon any civilization. The bad taste of living this life is still in my mouth.

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