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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Globalization, Poverty, Trickle Down Economics, Lifelong Learning, Universal Healthcare, Vocational Training, Free College, Cost of War, Discount Stores and the Toyota, Nationalist, Prohibitionist, Greed

Globalism is about keeping prices down and bring many out of poverty around the world. It is true, trickle-down economics is not working, but not because it is not working, it does not work for their is lots of greed at the top of our corporations. It is not the system that needs to change, it is the greed and hypocritical self-centered at the top pinching their pennies for a bottom line on the backs of the world's workers. Hard work and profits of a company should be shared fairly, when this happens, people become more productive through profit sharing, 401ks, and benefits that come from the profits of a company.

We have a lot more in than our grandparents and parents had. If you compare the material wealth compared to those days. College should be free and an investment from the corporations and governments if which they should invest in the young and retraining of their workers. Health care should be universal in a civilization, for you are maintaining a human capital. Lifelong learning should be part of your benefits packages for all with government and corporations and companies supplying the funding. Vocational training should be brought back into companies, governments, military and to those who need to retrain to meet the market demand and outdated processes that do exist no more. 

Without globalization, there would not be low inflation, low interest rates. The only way to bring back jobs to America or any other country for that matter would be to bring the dollar down so people from afar would buy. You live good, have your Walmarts, your Dollar Trees, your Target, your Kmarts, your Toyota, because of a high dollar. It had nothing to do with some immigrant taking your job, some American company moving its operation overseas, or anything else. If you shop at Walmart for the prices and buy a cheap car or own a Toyota, hell, you might be global!

The nationalist, evangelical, prohibitionist, isolationist, protectionist noise around the world will be learned the hard way, with the high inflation, which is already starting to happen, the high-interest rate will kick in soon, the trade war, and God forbid, another oil embargo. 

The money with what we spend in war, having a police state, a drug war, we could have spent this money on the social investments and could have saved a whole array of problems. Greed at the top, but there is also jealousy of the greed at the bottom too. Not wanting immigration will be a big mistake in the long run, but we have become hardened with change, so let it kick in. My dad always said we are needing a depression and another world war to bring humanity back into balance. Live and learn friends. 

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