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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sin According to a Majority but Monopolized by the Prohibitionist Religions, Whose Making the Money

If everything was legal and regulated, even church for taxes, which they are tax free in America, and people were given back their personal liberties and the right to vote for crimes that should not be felonies and given the right to vote, well then, it would be a whole lot better free world and more competitive, not monopolized by prohibitionist. Free thought, free spirit, free market, free your mind and the rest will follow.

Our freedoms and counterculture ability were taken away when Nixon was elected and the War on Drugs began. There was less violence back then and profiteering black markets did not exist, someone is making money! Who?

Law Inc
Private Prisons
Mexican Cartel
Ethnic Gangs
Churches (tax-free)
Military Complex
Big Pharma
Big Oil

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