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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The World Will Never End, The World Lobbies Are a Business, Globalism Comes in Many Forms, Nationalism Destruction, Investment in Human Capital and Not the Destruction Of

The world will only end because of nuclear consequences. But war is a business, US and Russia most likely is taking the world for a ride in controlling oil and gas prices and weapons sales, they both need each other for the money making flow. Globalization is an economic system that has been around for centuries and will continue to do so. It is not the New World order it is the type of New World Order, Christian, Muslim, Nazi, Imperial, Communist, Socialist, etc. What I advocate is free trade unregulated, worldwide consumer driven with personnel liberty, to where the consumers of the world control the tempo of supply and demand. Systems are the same, which are only hampered by religious fanaticism, monopolized political systems, dictators (in which America props up down through history), big banks, military complex, big pharmacy, and oil. Population and immigration is needed for sustained population growth and support and promotes human capital. We with nationalism is a sense of jealousy, which in turn in the Bible as a sin, over ethnic groups and greed in higher prices, which lead to inflation and higher interest rates, is ending the US empire as we no it. If we spent more time investing in propping up human capital, investing in education, infrastructure, health for all, and letting the people invest in their work places. (401K, profit sharing or stock investment in the company would be better. Instead we invest in the war lobby, the religious lobby with is prohibitions on freedoms, military complex lobby, the oil lobby, the big pharmacy lobby, the proxy wars that destroy all of this. The world will never end for the love of money, the ability to lobby for it, conning the world's population, backs are rubbing out and rubbing each other for it has always been about the money, the world is a business, and if not we are living in a fantasy world.

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