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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Trump and the Nationalist Lost on Immigration Policy, Legalize the Drugs, Open the Border, These Are Gang Refugees, Take the Profit Out of the Mexican Cartels, Nationalism is a Poison to a World Society

Trump caved in on the immigration policy that was cruel in a sense. It sure was not Christan. Nationalism is a harsh cruelty upon foreigners that should not exist in no world. The Mexican border is a cross over for drugs. A wall and further strict immigration enforcement will only cause shortages of drugs coming into the country creating a more profitable black market and as far as the drug war policy goes. Money will be made no matter what and prohibitionist create this environment. Is not it funny they do this with oil, the military complex and its competition of Islam. It is all a racket.

The answer is legalizing drugs, which would get rid of the Mexican cartels and the gangs coming across the border decreasing their profits. Government has a lot to gain by legalizing drugs through regulation and taxation. But this goes against the grain for Law Inc, private prison industry, and big pharma.

Most of these families are leaving the their gang infested countries to become better people, instead of what, if they stayed in their country would be forced to become. Remember, America feeds this drug profiteering and gangs coming across the border, when we are one of the biggest drug users in the world. Open borders, personal liberties to enjoy life and legalize the drug and reduce the violence. 

Immigration has become an issue that motivates a large group of Americans passionately, perhaps like no other. Some of this might be rooted in racism. But it also represents a kind of heightened nationalism. In an era of rampant globalization, people want to believe that they still maintain some sense of stability and control. 

Nationalism has been around for centuries, but it is now, in a sense, the last doctrine standing. The great story of the 20th century was the loss of faith. Between the ascendants of science, socialism and secularism, people lost their trust in the dogmas, prohibition, compassion and duties of religion. But this didn't change the reality that they wanted something they could believe in, something with which they could have a deep, emotional bond. 

Nationalism has increasingly become that substitute for many on the right, being endowed with a strong and almost mystical attachment. For many on the left, by contrast, nationalism is more of an irrational affinity for a group of people with whom one shares an arbitrary border. 

Immigration has become the litmus test of nationalism, perhaps because other sources have faded or become politically unmentionable. There was a time when nationalism was deeply intertwined in many corners of the globe with religion or ethnicity and now it is rearing it's ugly head again, polluting young minds, repeatment of the 1919-45 period in history, not learning our lessons of the Great Depression and 2 world wars, each getting worse, when will we learn. When will we learn that in this world we are all connected one way or the other. But as Western societies became more diverse, and as minority groups within them asserted their own identities, it became more difficult to define nationalism by those older ingredients.  

Immigration is a fix for any country experiencing a labor shortage (which increases inflation rates and interest rates), and is a short term fix for the future of elderly care and maintaining the social safety net in any country.

We are all immigrant one way and the other and many mixed in European routes. All a part of history in playing roles in America's buildings and its ideas. Traditionalist do not like change, because they do not have the intellect to adapt to different human beings in ways, customs and colors. But sadly this being driven by religious differences.

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