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Sunday, August 13, 2017

Trump, Rise of Hate Groups, Islamic Jihad, Denial of Science, Globalization, Created Wars to Stay Elected and the Military Money Maker

President Trump was bought to power by military, evangelistic and white nationalist groups. Anti globalist in a sense of his main support elements that got him elected and the desperate populist movement such a seen in France, Netherlands, Austria and the UK.

In some books that were written during the communist doctrine to start a race war against the blacks and whites in the US at that time is the same doctrine that Putin could be using in getting Trump elected, not knowing or saying that Trump is connected or not connected to Putin in any way, but to say that Putin is X KGB, tied to oligarchs and a destiny for him to bring Russia back to the days of the Soviet Union.

There has been a large number of hate groups that has increased in the US since Trump was elected and the worshipping of  Malcolm X in the black communities opposite of the peaceful demonstrations in the 60' of Martin Luther King, who said "Judge a man or woman, not by the color if their skin but by the content of their character.

What creates the hate for Christians by Muslim extremist groups? The past, the imperialism of the western powers in their land, the killings of their relatives when we bomb and involve ourselves in their business because of oil connected to the dollar and feeding the military complex and weapon sales through war, for war is a racket, such as anything else tied to money.

Islam and Christianity, in a sense the right wing of Christianity, is afraid of science, globalization, multiculturalism, the free flow of information through the Internet (the tree of knowledge), singularity and the times we are heading into by 2030. All wants to be slowed down by these institutions through resistance of what is to come but what will be.

Globalization is the key to all this for those who believe in the future. Freeing minds through free though, free spirit, free trade, open borders and open transparent societies, free media and diverse journalism. In order for this world to fall back from the hinges of another Dark Ages, depression and another world war (with nuke) is not understood by Chistiandom, extremist Jihads, white separatist or nationalist in any for or color.

Trump understands to sell weapons, he must sell war or conflict. He understands that most presidents stay in power in the middle of wars. Islam and oil are the keys to this agenda, threatening other countries of war which the defense complex understands in feeding their profits. Russia know this too. For both are the number 1 and 2 is weapons sales.

What makes people afraid of the world coming together as one, not as one government but as one coalition to solve world problems and to keep those who oppress humans in the world at bay.

In Trump's first budget, he throws a lot of money at the military, defense complex, cuts diplomacy by 30%, which by the way is cheaper than war. Stirs up conflict around the world to create paranoia in getting ready for war or conflict? Remember that fake wrestlers use fake threats and fake preachers us scare tactics to sell their rhetoric, scare tactics. Practiced in the 80's and sold quite well, such as Trump's favorite decade.

Remember that some of the greatest music, peace ideas, New Age ideas came out of the 60's and 70's. Color did not matter that much back then, they were good times. No drug wars, protest of the Vietnam War which in turn ended.

Those who do not learn from the past are do to repeat the past. We are bringing on in this world through these groups a modern day dark age (Islam vs Christians), a repeat of global nationalism that bought forth WW2, a separation of people of many colors who in a way a DNA test might change their enlightenment to who they really are.

Imagine all the people living as one, you may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. I hope someday you join us and the world will live as one---John Lennon.

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