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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The New World Order is the Mixture of Family Mix Races, Multiculturalism, Free Trade, Free Press

The new world order is happening in a way of mixed cultures in family inbreeding. In my family there is German, Irish, Cherokee, Korean, Filipino, Spanish, Aztec, Mexican. Why do people live in the dark ages and accept the things to come already set, We are trying to hold onto the past comfort zones and afraid to explore a brand new world order. Through free press, free thought, free spiritual thought, free markets and peace not war.

Steve Bannon's idea and his oppression with the Clash of Civilization is crazy even thought it is a good book that I have not finished on top of a lot of the others is crazy.

The newer generations don't carry the baggage of prejudices or keeping the racial status quo.

Multiculturalism is an learning experience and a respect for others in the world, It is better enhanced through open borders, open communication through Internet freedoms, open society and transparency through all populations. Wars are caused by materials and greed of other countries, not living together and trading between each other through multicultural exchange. Populism will die out, globalization has already been set in stone and cannot be changed and when resistance props itself up, automatic entities will adjust in bringing it back to the middle.

Free trade benefits everyone though cheap labor, cheap goods, lifting people out of poverty around the world. The problems facing the world against globalization is nationalism (NAZI), Islamic extremism, fanaticism, protectionist, unions, wars without cause but greed of another government afraid of losing control of the past which I call living in the dark ages.

Free press is essential and this does not mean what I am being told is fake new, but what I have researched as fake new by trolls and propaganda. Fascism never prevails and most of the time is stomped out quickly. So get on the Internet, share, express your opinions, debate the world, be independent in thought through reason, logic and analysis using your own brain in this process. Don't be afraid or reprisals, for this is a part of fighting for a freer world.

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