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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Religion vs Science, Can It Live Together, Avoiding the Dark Ages

With the headlines covering fanaticism, fundamentalism, superstition and ignorance, religion is getting a bad press these days. And much of the conflict in the world, from the Middle East to Nigeria and Myanmar, is often blamed on religion.But how are things from a different perspective? Some defenders of religion claim Adolf Hitler was an atheist. Communism under Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot or Mao Zedong banned religion, but also massacred millions. And science brought incredible and amazing advances, but also pollution and the atomic bomb.A critic of religious dogmatism, Professor Richard Dawkins revolutionized genetics in 1976 with the publication of The Selfish Gene. He has since written 12 more bestsellers, including The God Delusion which sold millions of copies, was translated into more than 30 languages, and catapulted him to the position of the world's foremost atheist.Mehdi Hasan challenges evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins at the Oxford Union in front of a varied and lively audience.In a frank and at times heated exchange, they discuss: Is religion a force for good or evil? Can it co-exist with science? Is science the new religion? And why if god does not exist, is religion so persistent?

Religion like any other subjects get bad publicity when something goes to far right or to far left. I like to express this in saying socialism vs nationalism, it is why life is a balance and should stay that way. Most wars are blamed over religion, none other those of Islam and Judea Christian hates, when in religion there should not be no hates, religion is suppose to be about love, not mixed in with politics and government. Adolf Hitler was a socialistic nationalist. Communist doctrine was good when born of the book of Karl Marx, and Linen almost made it work, but then it became militarized and dictatorial, monopolized from capitalistic or democratic thought, in so being it became fanatical and extreme to the point. Science has bought a lot of evil, depending what you think might be evil and it bought a lot of good, it is how we harness it power and giving it a chance to exist to enhance the world as a whole and humanity. When religion cannot live with science, dictates what science will be accepted according to ancient doctrine, then it becomes a problem taking us into the dark ages again. We are finding now that the computer is much like the human and nature in which it is programmed and can be manipulated to help humanity in a lot of ways, but to religion, this is playing God, but in reality, but this is pre God, the tree of life, the tree of knowledge, why cannot we have both. Through a fully connected world through the Internet, where all humans are connected, more ideas are learned and discussed through reason and logic. One day this will come true, most estimate around 2030. Why not mix science, many religions, many philosophies, ideas, debates, come together and coexist as one world. Science is a living discipline in a since it is not a religion, because religion is a doctrine from ancient text trying to adapt it to today's and the future, Science is ever developing and constantly being explored to make it better. Can we say this for religion? The reason heated discussions happen in religion happen is because of  the drilling, brain washing that has taken into ones childhood and how they were raised, or isolated from free thought, free spirit and free choice for one to live his or her own journey in becoming and educating oneself though freedoms and not forbidden teachings. Religion is a persistent as long as there are those who force upon those who can be programmed at the time of their gullibility.

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