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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Military Tensions, Currency Manipulations, War with Russia, China and a New Socialist Democratic Order

Military tensions, cyber espionage accusations, a brewing currency war; with every passing day, the headlines paint a convincing portrait of an emerging cold war between China and the West. But is this surface level reality the whole picture, or is there a deeper level to this conflict? Is China an opponent to the New World Order global governmental system or a witting collaborator with it? 

Military tensions around the world should not be happening for it is a form of nationalism, when we in the world should start thinking of global free markets and free flow of capital. The New World Order should be based on free market, free connected communications, open sea lanes in maritime shipping, not controlled or held hostage by big oil, the big military complex which wars feed it. It should be based on multiculturalism, open borders and global open societies. Global free trade and global UN cooperation should be the basis for coming together as one. 

Currency is manipulated by all countries, not just China. It is controlled by money supplies, which is controlled by central banks through the interest rates sold. Currencies are controlled to control inflation and the sell of products around the world to compete with other countries that are exchanging products. Supply and demand is the basic concept. 

It would be dumb to go to war with Russia or China. The USA needs to cool its jets, and chill. Wars do nothing but destroy infrastructure, disrupt lives, create refugee influx and feed terrorist organizations. Not to include the cost to the American tax payer in which the money could be spent better elsewhere.

We are looking at developing between the EU and the USA vs. China and Russia in which they want the world to evolve as. One far left and the other far strict communist, but what is actually is needed is a form of more in the middle. Socialist Democratic Capitalism, Sort of like China, where the mix has moved to their favor, but could expand their horizons, if only to grant more freedoms to their people, The money is in the south and not Beijing.

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