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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Debtor Nations, Political Monopolies and Oligarchies, Free Markets, Free Thought, Free Spirit, Free Elections

It is a fact that we are a debtor nation. True, but we are trying to be the world's policemen, telling the whole world how to live, think, in our interest only. It is OK to take sides, but how far we go is costly to the American tax payer. It is time for the US voter to start listening to the Libertarians, Green Party, Bernie Sanders instead of the establishment in which we got fooled by and who we presently have in office today. 

About free markets, free thinking and being free spirited in the world as an individual. Free markets are good, in letting global consumers having access to all kinds of consumer products, staples and services. Free thinking through the Internet and expressing individual ideas through social sites should be optimum. No religion should be a part of a government, not political party should have an oligarchy or monopoly on power, such as to communism, the republican and democratic parties have in the world today, not to mention Putin.

If all nations participated in free and fair elections, voiding out felons in which every person should be able to vote, free trade and markets, open border exchange and multicultural transparency of letting all social sites within countries so all ideas, cultures can be connected as one. Problems to be worked out through a United Nations platform in stead of competing political philosophies, fundamentalism, political monopolies or oligarchies.

Terrorism, wars, conflicts, fear mongering are only reasons to sell weapons, keep oil prices up, keep Law Inc in business and feeding the military machine in weapon sales and Russia and the US are at the top of that list.

Couple groups and religions are holding back the rest of the world in progress. Islamic fear of modernization and globalization. Far right evangelistic nationalist, communism. Eventually we will reach globalized singularity and become a peaceful world.

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