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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

World Internet Users in 2030, Regions Explained, Social Media (Tree of Life vs Tree of Knowledge)

Asia                        3196 million
Latin America          786 million
North America         724 million
Africa                       644 million
Europe                      568 million
Middle East              291 million
Oceania                      53 million

Asia is a fast-growing region and a networking economy. China needs to open their internet to the whole world and let other connection with the rest of the world.Why is Beijing running on Shanghai and Hong Kong's fuel? Something will give in time. Indonesia might be a problem in expanding the internet if Muslim doctrine kicks in as far as a hardline government. Vietnam is the other issue with its Communist doctrine as well.

Latin America will do good, theirs is a festival of fun and entertainment. Their markets are ripe for expansion of the internet.What holds it back is the drug war mentality fed by the US government which make gangs and black market corrupt in these countries.

North America, in the US especially are clamping down on social media and the Supreme Court is looking to tax the internet soon. Net neutrality was the first signal of its prohibition brought on by the evangelicals, the same ones who had the 1919-33 prohibition which caused the Great Depression and World War 2, We are repeating history here.

Africa is still developing and needs infrastructure built for it and it will happen in time. Soon Africa will be one big trading block with an open border, in time it will be one of the fastest growing blocks to.

Europe is starting to regulate the internet in ways of isolating the USA out of the market place. Again with the developing fascism in the country, it might be disrupted again as in World War 2.

The Middle East has its problems with the restrictive measures of mixing government with religion which is a recipt for prohibtion and freedom of expression. Saudi Arabia and the UAE should be examples in the region for other Muslim countries in the area to follow.

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