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Monday, April 23, 2018

Doing Religion or Doing God/Jesus, Rebuttal: Good Points, Current White House Administration, Universal Faiths

Gary Finneyfrock, Not one word about "religion: was ever mentioned here until you did mention it!! You see, this is where you and many others differ!
Many of us do not “DO RELIGION” as you call it!
Many of us have a very personal relationship with Jesus/God, we worship Him because He suffered and died for all of us. What “religious” god died and suffered for us like Jesus did? Answer NONE!!
You are right about one thing, Religion starts wars, namely like the false religion of Islam.
That has never been a relationship with God/Jesus, no they have a religion with Mohammed, just a man who was an evil man!
They call it a religion, but in truth it is a set of laws and a political platform is all. Now they have relationships by raping women and children, by treating their women like dirt!
They do goats, they behead anyone whom disagrees with them! Heck, even in their “Koran” it tells them it is okay to lie to further their cause!!
If you want to talk about the crusades, they were started by a man they call pope, because and as many do not know, they are an evil bunch and is the “false Christianity” owned and operated by Satan, along with Islam…
So, before you go accusing, do a little research and not by anyone’s opinions…
Oh the others like Buddha, a fat little statue who cannot talk or hear, like Jesus can!
Rebuttal: I read it, some good points and agreed. I guess I want mainly to focus on the greed, such as televangelist life styles, religions like Islam, conservative neocons that support Israel. All religion should not be mixed with government. We have an evangelical counsel in the White House that has a armageddon death wish. Your beliefs are respected like any, but which one is right. I think the Universal Unitarians, the Bahai Faith, Buddhist, Scientologist have the right idea on how to approach religion, especially New Age Thought. No explanation points seems aggressive. Christian Warrior sounds militaristic

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