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Monday, April 23, 2018

Battle of Spirits, Principalities, Power, Rebuttal: 4200+ Religions, Competitions and Gathering the Masses

The Word says we battle not against flesh and blood (which is what they tried to do in the crusades) but we battle spirits, principalities, and powers.  This post, therefore, refers to a spiritual battle and yes many forget we are to put on the full armor of God daily and do battle.

Rebuttal: 4200+ religious groups exist in the world today. What spirits to battle, the ones according to the majority, or is this competition for the soul of the world masses and $ influence? To what religion will rule the world. How many will die or will religion be forced upon. People are free to believe any religion, which one is up to them, this is called being a free spirit. How is power derived, the way it is obtained is the moral question and again morals are according to a civilizations majority, not to include those kept out of the system, the imprisoned, the felons, the restricted of opinions? Religions either obtain these goals through justifiable killing, brainwashing, restrictive mental programming or through love, Love would be the best. So the two big competitive religions are Islam and Christianity all routed from the New Testament. So religion is a constant splintering and competing against one another. Freethought, free spirit, universal beliefs.

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