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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Geopolitics, World War 3 in the Making

World geopolitical disruptions that are in the world.The U.S. has committed to Syria involvement indefinitely, backed by Kurdish troops so that an illegal massacre of Syrians could take place, bombing Russian troops in Syria, increased aggression toward Russia’s ally Iran under and stood by as Israel escalates attacks on Syria while planning a broader war with Iran which would be regional. All this is proxy too. Oil, gas pipelines, geopolitical sea lane choke points, are the main issues. Diplomacy and not military threats are a better, CIA and special force intervention is cheaper and more cost-efficient methods instead of being bogged down with troops are better. I have always believed that a free world market determined by consumers, economic diplomacy, multinational corporations and the free hand of the market is the best way to handle geopolitical positioning. China does this, they just promise not to interfere with the political system within countries and they get access to any country, can invest in any country, and station military assets if they want. 

“Now hatred for Russia is at the forefront of consciousness in mainstream America, and now infected the UK as well and is quickly metastasizing throughout Australia and Europe. Russia is justified in responding in ways of being surrounded by NATO, US and allied forces control of maritime sea lanes and being boxed in from having ports to the open seas. Plus being noticed as a once superpower that was once spreading its influence around the world. When the wall collapsed and the Cold War ended, America at first embraced Russia under the Clinton Administration and maybe could have been part of a greater coalition partner, but starting in 2001 and funny to think about it, after 911, we have neglected Russia diplomatically and have tried to stagnate their economic geopolitical status around the world, after the neocons took power. Empire.

China is jocking for more influence to the South China Sea maritime sea lanes as part of their one belt and one road initiative. They are building up their navy in trying to keep up with the US naval forces in many areas. In the Indian Ocean, a Chinese naval base is in Sri Lanka. In the Gulf of Aden near Yemen and Djibouti, it has stationed a naval base in Djibouti where the US has a drone airbase of operations in that area. China has this capability of competing with the US in naval power and open ports to sea lanes. It has economic influence with countries better than the US because the political affairs of those counties are not interfered with when China becomes partners with them in bidding for their natural resources and establishing trade with them. China has a large population to work with and will not have a depopulation problem until 2060 and they always have the option of immigration to stimulate their workforces. This where it is better to work with China and not force the issues as the Trump Administration is doing with trade war rhetoric. But war drums are being beaten and would be bad in an already unstable world.

Amid a new annual military budget of $700 billion, the U.S. national debt is now at $21 trillion, showing the fragility and incompetence that empires fall into during their late stages. America, MIT economist Peter Temin last year, is regressing into a third world country for most of the population. Neoliberal capitalism, rampant governmental corruption, an erosion of civil liberties and democratic institutions, and a permanent state of war have battered and confused the population.

Johnstone’s prescription is to expose the deep state’s lies so that Americans will reject the calls to war when the provocation comes. But the empire is determined to do as much damage as possible, and I think we need to fight this war effort more directly. We need to build a nationwide resistance to militarism, involving antiwar strikes, protests, mass boycotts of the war tax, and disobedience from armed service members. We need to create a Vietnam-level antiwar movement, and fast. Millions of Americans are willing to take these actions. All we need to do is tell them how urgently they need to mobilize.Johnstone’s prescription is to expose the deep state’s lies so that Americans will reject the calls to war when the provocation comes. But the empire is determined to do as much damage as possible, and I think we need to fight this war effort more directly. We need to build a nationwide resistance to militarism, involving antiwar strikes, protests, mass boycotts of the war tax, and disobedience from armed service members. We need to create a Vietnam-level antiwar movement, and fast. Millions of Americans are willing to take these actions. All we need to do is tell them how urgently they need to mobilize.Johnstone’s prescription is to expose the deep state’s lies so that Americans will reject the calls to war when the provocation comes. But the empire is determined to do as much damage as possible, and I think we need to fight this war effort more directly. We need to build a nationwide resistance to militarism, involving antiwar strikes, protests, mass boycotts of the war tax, and disobedience from armed service members. We need to create a Vietnam-level antiwar movement, and fast. Millions of Americans are willing to take these actions. All we need to do is tell them how urgently they need to mobilize.Johnstone’s prescription is to expose the deep state’s lies so that Americans will reject the calls to war when the provocation comes. But the empire is determined to do as much damage as possible, and I think we need to fight this war effort more directly. We need to build a nationwide resistance to militarism, involving antiwar strikes, protests, mass boycotts of the war tax, and disobedience from armed service members. We need to create a Vietnam-level antiwar movement, and fast. Millions of Americans are willing to take these actions. All we need to do is tell them how urgently they need to mobilize.

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