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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Nixon, Social Housing, Increase in Homelessness, Humans Are More Important

The Nixon administration ended construction of new public housing. Since then, the federal government has relied on two other approaches to house the poor—private-sector projects and housing vouchers, often used in tandem in order to get close to the deep affordability provided by the traditional public housing.

This was a Republican, as in which Trump is coming into play. His dad made money off of public housing and benefited from it as a child. Most social safety net systems have been brought forward by Democrats. Greed has always been a mainstay for the Republicans, but when it comes to war, the money is always there. Sad!

This is why there is a big problem with homelessness in America. Humans caring more for animals than human beings. There should be a Human Society instead of a Humane Society. Why is it called a Humane Society anyway, it is an animal society.

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