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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Clash of Civilization, Multiculturalism, Immigration in Balance, Not a Clash But Coming Together in Understanding

We have a clash not only of civilizations and religions, we have a clash of ideologies in the world. Like we had a clash between communism and capitalism. Now we have a clash because Islam is also an ideology. I believe that Islam is not going to win this battle. Structured to be ran by men, Sharia Law and mixing religion and being over bearing in peoples progress of free thought and free will according to ones gifts and talents which opens up civilizations to a more progressive mode.

Multiculturalism and immigration need to be balanced by numbers coming in as to what a nation's economy can absorb. Also in saying this, there needs to be a balance of ethnic or country intake according to the percentage of their population to the world. Problems with what we experience now is we have a too large of a majority coming in from Central America and Mexicans. The other influx is, Muslim based on refugee status should be worked out in the United Nations according what each nation can pledge to take in and absorb.

Multiculturalism in good and so is immigration. It boost economies, adds diversity to a nation, brings in new human capital that cannot be reprojected in a timely matter through birth. Especially for the elderly, disabled and labor cost which keeps interest rates and inflation down.

In the American Constitution, it specifically lays out that any religion should be part of a government but only by Democracy and according to a majority. No Sharia law, no Christian integrating as such is in the White House now counseling this president.

Why must there be a clash of civilizations and less have more of a inter mixing of multicultural diversity in the world and other countries. Why must a world become isolated from the rest.

What is an ideology, a seduced thought pattern that does not work and has outlived its day, for the future is a mix of multicultural algorithms once all is connected in time will make up a world of less wars and conflicts and more of a diversified cultured world. One with open borders, open society, free trade dictated by supply and demand of worldwide consumers in a globalized world. Religion is rooted in ethnic historical content, never changing with the times to progress worldwide civilizations forward or better said as becoming one world of understanding with all being connected in many ways.

Islam will be diversified and come down to a moderate level to where it will no longer be a cultural thing, but more of a personnel belief where one will develop away from it to become diversified in aspect to see that there are more ideas and belief to add to ones moral, outlook on life and the individual path and journey one must take according to ones algorithm. A diversified personnalties portfolio. Basic rule of law in investing and investing in one self and others.

All problems in the world can be worked out through one global body or a regional coalition through diplomatic routes instead of the destruction and disruption of peoples lives and the destruction of civilization infrastructure.

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