How do you withdraw for the old ways to adapt to modern times, by endorsing the technologies, not as bad but an improvement to new thought and combining the old for reference. Experiment with life, for if you do not, you will never know, unless you have a distaste for it personally. In New Age thought, you diversify your spirituality You can also do this in Universalism.
Do not get bogged down, programmed, brainwashed, isolated or hate counter-culture beliefs. You will never know unless you research, study, and if you want to, experiment, which in turn means experience, which in most cases, is the best teacher.
Tradition is a brainwashed mentality, that leaves you stuck in the past, and hating anything new, that could improve your life and lets the world open up more and more in free thought and free spirit.
Most old beliefs keep you feeding the old way, and in many circumstances, a person or group, that profits, manipulate you as a disciple, a commodity, that feeds the coffers and control freaks or groups, that use you as pawn to navigate a journey that was only meant for you.You are the one that keeps them alive by accepting these old beliefs, and in most case, they will isolate you from any trend and why would you want to play catchup?
Keep your independent free thoughts and spirits high and positive. Love and don't hate, because they are not the same as you. For you are one with the world, a tiny part, but a contributing part. Every act, things you buy, what you communicate on social site, face to face in conversation and elect is the difference you play in the world. You take part in world democracy every day. One democratic world, based on open borders, open society, all connected to the world, that feeds the ever-changing and the ever learning. Release you isolated mind from your comfort zone, your shelled world, those who hold you back from free individual growth to what you want to be and in turn become something you like, for what you like, gives you your full potential.
Reject those who present their ideas as a vacuum, recruiter or a car salesperson. Smiling in your face, hiding their ideas for their own gains in manipulating you and controlling you for what they can gain and not you. Be yourself, free your mind, do not be blind, question authority.
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