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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Technology, Future in Thinking, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Energies of the Future, Spirituality and Science Conflict, Reason and Logic, Globalization, Free Though, Oligarchical Industries, Stagnaters of Globalization, Philosophical Conclusion

Technology and social change with must not be left behind in humanities ways of thinking. The world's downgrade on media, social media and those not willing to change and integrate these technologies into life will be left behind the curve. 
In the future, artificial intelligence will be part of your thinking, integrated with algorithms to help you in your decision making, matching you to paths that best suit your goals and comforts. Human interactions with others will not have that big of an impact, for this can and will be substituted. 
Biotechnology has already had an impact on us through the foods we eat, farming, curing diseases and so forth. It is usually the conservative traditionalist, religion and ethnic regulations that slow this technology down such as others. Biotechnology will have the biggest impacts on food production, curing medical problems, helping humanity live longer, genetic selection and organ growth. A future worth looking forward to. 
Nanotechnology is just starting to show promise on a global scaled. It will mostly be used in mechanical productions, manufacturing and solving medical problems which doctors cannot fix via conventional surgery within the body and bloodstreams.
Solar, wind, production will be on the forefronts of energy production. Hydropower is wasteful in a sense it should be used more toward water storage, it robs those down streams of much-needed water, water is becoming short in supply to keep up with the world's population and should be used more for agricultural growth and irrigation more than a power source. Bio power is not a good source either, because it affects the prices of food and feeding the world's populations.
Solar farms will be used more in desert lands to produce energy and will replace oil and other fossil fuels as the cost comes down on it. Companies are now working on solar panels that would be able to extract 5 times more energy than the common cells used today.
Wind farms can be adapted to many areas with high wind conditions, but will not go as far as solar will because of the cost of the infrastructure involved and the search for land that landowners will allow the turbines on. This is where public land will come into play to fill the gaps. 
Spirituality and science will be mixed together to form new philosophies on life. It will be mixed and diversified to fit each individual on the path or journey one chooses. Science and religion always seem to collide with each other, but both together can complement each other with great benefits. Most traditional religious doctrine should be used as warnings and reference to guide us morally to prevent corruption and greed which sometimes religion is used to hide the true meaning, sort of behind a smoke cloud of greed, fanaticism, extremism and personal gains from the gullible, the poor or desperate. We must use science advancements to enhance civilizations and philosophies to keep up with modern day trends in the way human civilizations are developing on there own through supply and demand market  and majority acceptance in ever-changing moral within a civilization or in this case a future of a one world civilization when open borders and open society through total connectivity will take place. 
Reason, logic, research, innovations, and imagination never stay the same in today's world and in the future and are changing with a speed greater than it did in the past, and even this is getting ever faster as times go on, minds and societies will evolve with this as globalization takes on more forms in development as one. This is where traditional though will stifle growth, ideas, and more cultural change, kind of keeping us in a time warp but the new will always bust out the gate and overwhelm. Change is good but also evolution and changing with the times, so ride the wave and go with the flow.
As renewable energies develop into the mainstream global civilization, as biotechnology, nanotechnologies and artificial intelligence take shape in a free marketed world population mixture in cultures, free trade according to consumer choice in supply and demand and acceptance a diversified world takes as a whole so will the depletion of conflicts, proxy wars and wars will die down. All will be worked out by a United Nations, international coalitions through dialogue and diplomatic diplomacy. Bad news for the weapons sellers.
Globalization is now working out the equality in riches as being shown through population representation more than a wealth of nations and the clout of being a superpower. In this meaning, and free markets and globalization have brought India and China out to the forefront and being the most populous countries in the world magnifying their Worth's in technological developments. The United Nations needs to be overhauled and the Security Counsel banded for a more simpler population-based representation in the United Nations Assembly. This will be for the betterment of the world based on people power and not wealth.
Free thinking, open media, especially social media, total interconnected through the Internet, where all would be connected to one another globally would be beneficial towards a greater socialized, better cultural, better economic, and better innovating world in which to live. 
There are many oligarchical industries in the world. These were big oil, western medicine, public colleges and universities, the big pharmacy which controls many aspects of patents on things that humanity can get but they are made illegal with laws to keep away from the general public. Big oil will be brought down by electric transportation, renewable energies and better battery technologies in the future. Western medicine will be made to compete against eastern medicines and holistic approaches in the field of herbals, one more beneficial aspect of one world coming together as one. Public education is it really needed anymore? What with the Internet, search engines and interconnecting of any organization or person with the rest of the world as a whole. Freethought, free markets and global individual liberties of one choosing one's path will change the definition of education. The only curriculum that will have to be taught would be the basics through the 9th grade and gaining the knowledge on how to research. Again, the big pharmacy always trying to take advantage of herbal plant life on the planet through patents and enforcing with making it an illegal substance through Law Inc soon will be broken up when the whole world is diversified into one with all countries and individual world citizens coming together.
One must view the world as a whole, focus on the development of all humanity and civilizations, ever-evolving world globalization and free markets according to consumer majority as the acceptance, individually always seeking a higher self and be mixing the most recent technologies into to their lives. People must seek an ever-evolving higher self, belief in the evolution which will come naturally with acceptance and adaptation to change. A united, universal view of the world but with freedom of thought and the utmost of individual liberties. Be always in touch with the world around them and the world events in the world as a whole and not just centralized. Serving the globalized society, saving humanity in extending lifespan, preventing deaths and quality of life with freedom, cutting red tape. Creating self-actualization to what they want to be, the whole world as one big picture, a diversified picture in an investment like a diversified portfolio of life itself.  
We as a global civilization must overcome polarities, tribalism, fascism, nationalism, and religious dogma in which stagnates humanity as a whole for a few profit and greed. This will be done with total connectivity for all and not just the ones who can afford it. Commitment to universal values as one world coming together to solve even the most controversial or worst plagues that blemish the world we live in. World values and moral will always be determined by a majority within geographical proximity and enforced by those laws. But laws, morals, and values must always be revisited constantly to change with the times and acceptance of the majority on local, state, national and global levels, with the ultimate, being global. 
People should be flexible with change, adaptation, and an ever-evolving world. Strong appreciation of always being connected to the world as a whole and not just one centered view of the world. 
A connection with nature and the individual liberty of understanding and using it to benefit the whole world and humanity as a whole. Become yourself with the whole world and globalization and not a centrally controlled self under religious dogma, old institutional thought, fascism, fanaticism, central control of governments through religious-based rules and life quality or monopolized political systems. Freedom is not free and always will have to be fought for on an individual and counter-culture which always is the new trend fighting against the old traditional establishments. One day at a time, the big picture, free thought and free spirit, it is your journey.

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