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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

World Corruption, World Banking and Multinational Corporations, Central Bank, Military Power, Terrorism, Extremism, the Old Ways, Media and Social Media, Use of Propaganda, Wars and Proxy Wars, Free Thought and Your Journey

How come we elected a corrupt president. Corruption stems from greed and control freaks and religious fanatics. How many have high debts, you feed the banks that excel interest rates. By becoming isolationist, protectionist, not allowing free trade, tariffs and being anti-immigration, you feed the nasty word of inflation not keeping prices down and stagnating demand in the world market. The military is being used for controlling extraction of countries mineral deposits, oil, gas and other natural resources for multinational corporations so you have and can buy things cheaply. To keep the petrodollar alive and strong, to compete against the new rising Yuan. To keep Russia from becoming an energy oligarchy of the world, to convert the Muslim which is Christianities main competitor for human minds and filling its coffers, when people need to free their mind and become independent with the freedom of information that is available to them through future technologies. These countries people want to live like any other human being and be free to think on their own and not have their minds controlled by old institutional thought and knowledge, for one only uses the past as a reference to improve the present and future from past lessons learned. Most terrorist are young and gullible to being brainwashed in any fashion to be terrorist manipulated by the religious extremist at the top that feeds on them, sort of like a drug pusher and leader of a gang. Nationalist, religious extremist, fascist feed old propaganda to distort the truth from the availability of free information flow. Tells you what is fake because they think you are dumb and gullible for their cause mostly rooted from greed or being narrow-minded. Create your own journey from tribalism which is old in its ways and has lost it influence in these modern times. They want you to get off the internet, media, and not diversify your life so they can control you and take you back into a modern dark age. The old lesson that was placed on Babylon, and the Garden of Eden. Tree of Knowledge to become enlightened yourself or the Tree of Life which they threaten used to control your freedom of thought and freedom of spirit. Central bank control greed by balancing out price gouging, keeping world cohesion within the free trade market and world market to be controlled by consumer supply and demand but also a consumer-controlled worldwide market. Free trade promotes multiculturalism and the whole world coming together in understanding as one. Again the tower of Babylon. The majority see the real truth, the minority are the radical thinkers, the fanatical, the extremist, the control freaks, the greedy and the dark age thinkers.

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